The Zooarchaeology of Star Wars - Ep 57
Episode II: Attack of the Alex
This episode, Alex and Simona dive back into the Star Wars universe and discuss the skeletal anatomy of a variety of creatures from both the canon lore and legends. Tune in to learn more about the possible ecology and anatomy of creatures such as the Krayt Dragon, the Kaadu and the Kowakian Monkey-Lizard and why nerf welfare is no laughing matter.
Links and Sources
Ashby, J. (2018). Specimen of the Week 338: a tour of the Platypus Skeleton. UCL Culture Blog.
Eisenstadt, A. (2021). The True Story Behind How Pearls Are Made. Smithsonian Magazine.
Sansweet, S.J. and Hidalgo, P. (2008). The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. New York: Del Ray.
Wild E. R. (1997). Description of the adult skeleton and developmental osteology of the hyperossified horned frog, Ceratophrys cornuta (Anura:Leptodactylidae). Journal of morphology, 232(2), 169–206.
Woo, M. (2018). BRIEF: Ancient Lizards Also Ran on Two Legs. Inside Science.
Alex FitzpatrickTwitter: @archaeologyfitz
Simona FalangaTwitter: @CrazyBoneLady
Alex’s Blog: Animal Archaeology
Music "Coconut - (dyalla remix)"