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Live from the Royal Hawaiian! - Ep 159

Some days in life you may find yourself at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel on Waikiki Beach. Those are defined as “good days.” While experiencing one of those good days, I thought “why not try and do a “live” podcast using just my phone and the shaky hotel wifi, centered on the history and ghost stories associated with the hotel?” It sounded like a great idea to me - listen in to see if it actually worked!




Kinkella Visits Sedona Arizona and Gets New Aged - Ep 158

Sedona Arizona is a pretty place. It’s also so full of New Age groups and believers that it puts the mumbo in mumbo jumbo. Is this a good thing, bad thing, or it-doesn’t-matter thing?




Monolith: 2001, 2010, Today and Forever! - Ep 157

Everyone’s favorite monolith must be the one from 2001: A Space Odyssey, but did you know that monoliths have been popping up across the world in mysterious and unexplained ways? Taking this one step further, if you are guessing that “mysterious and unexplained” may be secret code words for “fake and easily explainable” then you my friend may be a master of secret codes!

PS - We have to do a bit on 2010: The Year We Make Contact because all monoliths must be covered for the sake of science.


  • For a transcript of this episode, tap the Zencastr icon on in the upper left corner of the Podcast image.




The Chupacabra is Coming to Get You! - Ep 156

What the hell is a chupacabra anyway? You’ve heard the term, but then you thought “Wait. Is that like a Mexican Leprechaun or something?” You may also ask “Hey Kinkella - how is this archaeological in any way?” I actually have answers for all of these questions, but you have to listen to the podcast, because that’s how I roll.


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to

  • For a transcript of this episode, tap the Zencastr icon on in the upper left corner of the Podcast image.




Kinkella Meets the Witchdoctor of Belize! - Pseudo 155

Have you ever had an experience that you look back on years later and think, “Did that really happen?” This is definitely one of mine. Included in this episode is a witchdoctor, a bottle of rum, a Maya pyramid, and a guitar. Yes, you read that correctly.


  • For a transcript of this episode, tap the Zencastr icon on in the upper left corner of the Podcast image.




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