Sick to Death? Pathologies and Animal Bones - Ep 22
In this episode, Simona and Alex tackle palaeopathology. Listen on for how to identify signs of injury and disease in archaeological skeletal remains and what these can tell us about human-animal interactions in the past. Also Roman Pugs.
Bartosiewicz, L. and Gal, E. (2013) "Shuffling Nags and Lame Ducks: The Archaeology of Animal Disease". Oxbow Books.
Gaastra, J.S., Greenfield, H.J., and Linden, M.V. (2018) "Gaining Traction on Cattle Exploitation: Zooarchaeological Evidence from the Neolithic Western Balkans". Antiquity.
MacKinnon, M. (2010) "'Sick as a Dog': Zooarchaeological Evidence for Pet Dog Health and Welfare in the Roman World". World Archaeology. pp. 290-309.
Alex Fitzpatrick: Twitter: @archaeologyfitz
Simona Falanga: Twitter: @CrazyBoneLady
Alex’s Blog: Animal Archaeology
Music "Coconut - (dyalla remix)"