The Weird and the Wonderful: Imagined Zooarchaeologies of Video Games - Ep 13
Simona and Alex finally get to be experts in this fun episode imagining the zooarchaeologies of video games! Using the hundreds (and, if you're Alex, THOUSANDS) of hours of gaming experience, Simona and Alex go through popular video game series (The Witcher, Fallout, Dragon Age, and Skyrim) and try to reconstruct and compare some of the weirder creatures you encounter.
Links and References
Galinas, B. et al. (2015) Dragon Age: The World of Thedas - Volume 2, Dark Horse Comics
Johnson, E. (2018) Fantastic Bones and Where to Find Them. I Feel It In My Bones.
Merciel, L. (2014) Dragon Age: Last Flight, Tor books
Sapkowski, A. (2015) The Sword of Destiny, Gollancz
Alex Fitzpatrick
Twitter: @archaeologyfitz
Simona Falanga
Twitter: @CrazyBoneLady
"Coconut - (dyalla remix)"