Struggling Archaeologist

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Ranger Danger - Episode 27

It's the end of field season, so it's time to discuss field work do's and don'ts and then get safety conscious with a talk about the dangers of field archaeology. I also threw in a shorty news piece about glacier archaeology because COOLNESS.


Ranger Danger - Episode 27
APN - Jenny McNiven

The REAL Game of Thrones - Episode 26

Hey everybody! I’m back for the 26th episode of the Struggling Archaeologist’s Guide to Getting Dirty, and this is a pretty cool one, it’s time for the “REAL Game of Thrones!” Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve probably noticed that it’s Game of Thrones time once again. So while you’re catching up on life in Westeros this season why not enjoy a bit of the history behind George R. R. Martin’s addictive series. While there’s lots to choose from, this episode focuses on the links between the Lannister/Stark feud and the English monarchy during the Wars of the Roses.

The REAL Game of Thrones
APN - Jenny McNiven

As I mention in the podcast, my inspiration for this episode came from the excellent docu-history special “The Real History Behind Game of Thrones” from the 5th season Blu-ray special features. It’s a great look at the Wars of the Roses and GoT with interviews with Martin and historians like cutie McCutie Dan Jones. I suggest you go buy the Blu-ray to have access to the special, but I will add that it may or may not be available on YouTube by some dubious means which I don’t in any way condone. But you know us history lovers, we do what we’ve gotta do.

I’ve taken some examples from the special and done my own research to expand upon them, so you can use the podcast as a companion to the special. Or, just listen to me because I’m awesomer. I will warn you that I have mentioned events from the series through the end of season 4, so major SPOILER ALERT, you will be spoiled if you listen- and believe me- you don’t want to be spoiled, so maybe don’t listen if you haven’t seen the show yet. If you watch the special there are spoilers through season 5, so be ready for it and don’t say I didn’t warn you!

So there you have it, sit back and enjoy this badass Game of Thrones podcast. Comparisons will be made, heads will be lost, and spoilers will abound. So beware, but enjoy the awesomeness that is the REAL Game of Thrones!

McNiven OUT!


Pcola Pride - Episode 25

In this episode we explore two difference phases of early exploration and settlement in North America. First, the Vikings because Vikings don't need an explanation they're Vikings. Second, a recent discovery in Pensacola has revealed the location of an early Spanish settlement that has brought Spanish colonialism back into the spotlight. So sit back and enjoy, I promise I only mention Columbus once, the scoundrel!

Pcola Pride - Episode 25
APN - Jenny McNiven

The Mother of All Archaeology Podcasts - Episode 24

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The Mother of All Archaeology Podcasts - Episode 24
APN - Jenny McNiven

Hi friends! It's Episode 24 of The Struggling Archaeologist's Guide to Getting Dirty. In this podcast I open up about working throughout my pregnancy and managing family life and careers in the field. Then we cover some of the biggest news stories of 2015 and discuss the latest book club selection. Oh, and if you're perceptive you might notice that I started off the podcast pregnant and ended it with a baby. These things happen when you sit down to record at 10 months pregnant and decide to take a "break" for 2 days. C'est la vie!



Wee Ones and Picts, Oh My! - Episode 23

In episode 23 of the podcast we travel back in time to the coast of Scotland, where adventure archaeologists are discovering Pictish forts from the Iron Age. Then we explore childbirth in Egyptian Mythology because, wait for it... The Struggling Archaeologist is expecting a little shovelbum of her own!

Wee Ones and Picts - Episode 23
APN - Jenny McNiven

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