Who Let The Dogs Out? Ep 3
The skeletal remains of dogs are simultaneously very distinct in their characteristics, but also very similar to other animals. Compare a dog skull to grey seals or foxes to see what we mean!
Dogs seem to have had a special relationship with humans - this can be observed in some burial and ritual rites involving dog remains. There is currently a lot of interesting research happening that combines aDNA (ancient DNA) analysis with zooarchaeology to better understand human-dog relations and the domestication of the dog over time.
Due to breeding techniques, the skulls of certain modern dogs have been transformed beyond recognition - if you're brave enough, Google some of the breeds we mention in the episode.
And we unfortunately have no idea who let the dogs out still...sorry.
Further Reading
Fagan, B. (2015) The Intimate Bond: How animals shaped human history
London: Bloomsbury Press
Toynbee, J.M.C. (2013) Animals in Roman Life & Art
Barnsley: Pen & Sword
Merrifield, R. (1987) The Archaeology of Ritual and Magic
London: Guild Publishing London
Van Grouw, K. (2018) Unnatural Selection
Oxfordshire: Princeton University Press
Houlbrook, C. and Armitage, N. (2015) The Materiality of Magic. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Alex Fitzpatrick
Twitter: @archaeologyfitz
Simona Falanga
Twitter: @CrazyBoneLady
"Coconut - (dyalla remix)"