Contemporary Zoorchaeology - What’s in your Rubbish Bin? - Ep 44
On this episode of ArchaeoAnimals, Alex and Simona delve into contemporary archaeology. What can our household rubbish tell us about our food consumption habits? How do today’s selection of species and butchering techniques compare to those of the past?
McCaferty, A. (2016) The Growing Demand for Pet Funerals. Insight Magazine.
Stewart, C., Piernas, C., Cook, B., & Jebb, S. A. (2021). Trends in UK meat consumption: analysis of data from years 1–11 (2008–09 to 2018–19) of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey rolling programme. The Lancet Planetary Health, 5(10), e699-e708.
Alex FitzpatrickTwitter: @archaeologyfitz
Simona FalangaTwitter: @CrazyBoneLady
Alex’s Blog: Animal Archaeology
Music "Coconut - (dyalla remix)"