A Little Bit of Zooarch, a Little Bit of Palaeontology...Let's Talk Megafauna and Extinct Species - Ep 32
Picture a world where dormice are the size of cats and hyenas roamed around Europe: welcome to the Pleistocene! Upon suggestion from one of our listeners, we explore the time period where zooarchaeology and palaeontology overlap.
Palombo, M.R. (2001). Endemic elephants of the Mediterranean Islands: knowledge, problems and perspectives. The World of Elephants, Proceedings of the 1st International Congress (October 16–20, 2001, Rome): 486–491.
Leighton, R (1999) Sicily Before History: An Archaeological Survey from the Palaeolithic to the Iron Age, Cornell University Press
Kurten, B. (2007) Pleistocene Mammals of Europe, USA: Aldine Transaction
Pettitt, P. B., Bahn, P. & Ripoll, S. (2007). Palaeolithic Cave Art at Creswell Crags in European Context. Oxford University Press.
Charles, R., and Jacobi, R.M. (1994) "The lateglacial fauna from the Robin Hood Cave, Creswell Crags: a re-assessment." Oxford journal of archaeology 13.1: 1-32.
Moleón, Marcos, et al. (2020) "Rethinking megafauna." Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287.1922
Alex FitzpatrickTwitter: @archaeologyfitz
Simona FalangaTwitter: @CrazyBoneLady
Alex’s Blog: Animal Archaeology
Music "Coconut - (dyalla remix)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2UiKoouqaY