Scales and Tails: Reptiles in Archaeology - Ep 54 — ArchaeoAnimals (Archive)

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Scales and Tails: Reptiles in Archaeology - Ep 54

In this episode of ArchaeoAnimals, Alex and Simona explore the Land of Reptilia. From the humble Grass Snake to the mighty Nile Crocodile, tune in to learn more about reptile remains in archaeology around the world.


Links and Sources


  • Bochaton, C. (2022). First records of modified snake bones in the Pre-Columbian archaeological record of the Lesser Antilles: Cultural and paleoecological implications. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 17(1), 126-141.

  • Cordero, G. A. (2017). "The Turtle's Shell". Current Biology. 27 (5): R168–R169.

  • Gillreath-Brown, A., & Peres, T. M. (2017). Identifying turtle shell rattles in the archaeological record of the southeastern United States. Ethnobiology Letters, 8(1), 109-114.

  • Monchot, H., Bailon, S., & Schiettecatte, J. (2014). Archaeozoological evidence for traditional consumption of spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx aegyptia) in Saudi Arabia. Journal of archaeological science, 45, 96-102.

  • O'Connor, T. (2008) The Archaeology of Animal Bones. Texas A&M University Press.

  • Schneider, C. S., Pokines, J. T., L’Abbé, E. N., & Pobiner, B. (2022). Reptile Taphonomy. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (pp. 667-694). CRC Press.

  • van Wijngaarden-Bakker, L. H., & Troostheide, K. D. (2003). Bones and eggs. The archaeological presence of the grass snake Natrix natrix (L.) in The Netherlands. Environmental Archaeology, 8(2), 111-118.

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