california — A podcast about rock art.

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The Rock Art of Little Lake, California - Ep 120

Dr. Garfinkel has been going to Little Lake for about 50 years now. On today’s episode we describe Little Lake, the rock art there, and it’s significance to the people native to the area for the last 10,000 years. We also talk about the California Rock Art Foundation trips to Little Lake and how you can be a part of that.

Use the California Rock Art Foundation link below to subscribe to the newsletter where you can find out about upcoming field trips.




Affiliates and Sponsors

Deconstructing a Complex Panel from Eastern California - Ep 119

Chris and Alan discuss a panel that was discovered in the eastern Sierra’s of California recently. It’s one of the most complex panels that either of us have ever seen. We deconstruct this panel and talk about some of the elements.





Affiliates and Sponsors

Rock Art and Native Indigenous Perspectives - Ep 113

After a long break, Chris discusses a few topics with Alan. Today’s episode is a discussion about indigenous perspectives from two people that admit have no business trying to see the world as others do. We talk about the recent Petroglyph Festival in Ridgecrest, CA and the protestors for the event. It’s an important discussion today on the Rock Art Podcast.




Affiliates and Sponsors

Understanding and Appreciating Rock Art with Tim Waag - Ep 112

Dr. Garfinkel interviews Tim Waag, an avocationalist for California Rock Art. He talks about understanding Native American theology and prehistory, and, appreciating California Rock Art.




Affiliates and Sponsors

  • California Rock Art Foundation:

  • Motion:

  • Motley Fool

    • Save $110 off the full list price of Stock Advisor for your first year, go to and start your investing journey today!

    • *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price.

  • Laird Superfood

    • Are you ready to feel more energized, focused, and supported? Go to and add nourishing, plant-based foods to fuel you from sunrise to sunset.

  • Liquid I.V.

Native Californian Cultural Values with Willie Pink, advocate for Native heritage preservation - Ep 110

Willie Pink, a prominent Native Californian advocate for Indigenous Heritage Values talks with us about his experiences over the past several decades working on legislation and other efforts to identify, protect, and conserve rock art sites, sacred sites, and to repatriate Native burials and their associated offerings.




Affiliates and Sponsors

  • California Rock Art Foundation

  • Motion

  • Motley Fool

    • Save $110 off the full list price of Stock Advisor for your first year, go to and start your investing journey today!

    • *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price.

  • Laird Superfood

    • Are you ready to feel more energized, focused, and supported? Go to and add nourishing, plant-based foods to fuel you from sunrise to sunset.

  • Liquid I.V.

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