A podcast about rock art.

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Figurines from Pakistan and Rock Art with Shane Davis - Ep 27

Today we talk with archaeologist Shane Davis. Shane studied Belize, Pakistan, and now works with Alan in Cultural Resources Management in California. Alan asks him about his path to archaeology and the project he's worked on.




Mojave National Preserve Park Archaeologist David Nichols - Ep 26

On Episode 26 we are interviewing David Nichols, Park Archaeologist, for the National Mojave Preserve. David has a remarkable background doing fieldwork over 15 years on the Pacific Rim and in Australia but returning to his first love the Mojave Desert. This Master's thesis relates to research in the region and his job keeps him very busy managing the 1.6 million acres that is chock full of rock art of many types - paintings, drawings and related features. Much to talk about.




Rock Art Definitions and Techniques - Ep 25

Today Chris interviews Dr. Garfinkel about rock art. What types are there? How is it made? What about cupules? We talk about all this and more on today’s episode.




Tribal Cultural Resource Management with Danielle Flowers - Ep 24

Today Dr. Garfinkel interviews Danielle Flowers. They talk about Danielle's work doing Native American consultation. She discusses working with an understanding of Native American cosmology and world view as it relates to archaeological sites and rock art.




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The Lakota Sioux Standing Rock Tribe with Jeremy Freeman - Ep 23

Tribal archaeologist Jeremy Freeman joins us on this episode of the Rock Art Podcast. Jeremy works with the standing rock Lakota Sioux tribe in North Dakota. He talks about the management of cultural resources on their 2,000,000 acre reservation.

Jeremy is currently the tribal archaeologist for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. He also teaches classes in anthropology/archaeology at Sitting Bull College and on the weekends works as an interpretive guide at On-a-Slant Mandan Indian Village at Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park in Mandan, North Dakota. He is the founder and archaeological program coordinator for Archaeology Learning Group. He received his B.A. in anthropology at Heidelberg College and is an M.A. candidate in anthropology at Ball State University. He has worked as a professional archaeologist for over 20 years for cultural resource management firms, museums, universities, federal agencies, and non-profit research institutes throughout the U.S. He has taught classes at the collegiate level at Ball State University, Heidelberg College, and Owens Community College as well as classes for youth programs. 

He has a passion for archaeological public outreach and education and has been involved in the development and implementation of a variety of public outreach projects including: The Fallen Timbers Public Archaeology Project, the Archaeological Discovery Tour at Minnetrista Cultural Center, the Next Step Education through Archaeology Project, the Experiential Learning through Historical Archaeology Project, Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center, and Archaeology Learning Group where is the founder and the Archaeological Program Coordinator. He is currently serving as a member of the Society for American Archaeology’s Public Education Committee which is a biannual elected position. He is currently working for California State Parks where he works in the Cultural Resources branch of the Resources Division. His research interests include: rock art documentation and conservation management, indigenous cosmologies, public archaeology, and mythology and the sacred landscape. He teaches both face-to-face and online classes and many modules on the science of archaeology. 




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