A podcast about rock art.

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Encore: Evidence for the Peopling of the Americas - Ep 111

The Archaeology Podcast Network is taking a break for the holiday season. In the meantime, please enjoy this encore episode. It’s a favorite of ours! Happy holidays!

There’s a lot of dates thrown around regarding the first people to enter and settle North and South America. However, what’s the evidence? What do we know with a high degree of certainty? Let’s find out on this episode.




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Pacific Rim Rock Art with Rachel Hoerman and the Huliaupa'a Community - Ep 136

In this week’s episode, Dr Alan speaks with historic preservation specialist and project coordinator of Huliauapa’a, Rachel Hoerman. Along with community members Andree-Michelle Conley Kapoi and her teenage twins, Anais and Oisin, who are involved in the Stewardship and Protection Plan Project for the kiʻi pōhaku at Nu'u Refuge, Kaupō, Maui, they speak about Pacific Rim rock art and heritage stewardship in Hawai’i.


  • For a transcript of this episode, tap the Zencastr icon on in the upper left corner of the Podcast image.




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Pictish Rock Art with Hamish Findlay Lamley - Ep 135

This week, Dr Alan chats to Hamish Findlay Lamley, Pictish specialist, leatherworker, and tattoo artist, about all things relating to the ancient Pictish landscape in Scotland. From carved stones and Pictish motifs, they discuss all things relating to rock art.


  • For a transcript of this episode, tap the Zencastr icon on in the upper left corner of the Podcast image.




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Atlantic Rock Art with Clare Busher O'Sullivan - Ep 134

In this week’s episode, Alan chats to Clare Busher O Sullivan, archaeologist, author and rock art specialist about her work with Atlantic Rock Art in south-west Ireland. They speak on topics ranging from Mesolithic markings to Neolithic chambered tombs, and even compare the differences between Atlantic and Californian rock art motifs!



Find out more about Ireland’s Prehistoric Rock Art:



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Rock Art with Dr. George Harold Nash - Rock Art 133

Join us on this week’s episode, as Alan sits down with Dr. George Harold Nash, a prominent specialist in the field of prehistoric rock art from the University of Liverpool. Dr. Nash has extensive experience in researching rock art in places across the world, the US and South America. He’s currently working in Rising Star Cave in South Africa and several Upper Palaeolithic caves in his native South Wales.





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