Protecting Marshall Island's Heritage in the Face of Climate Change - Episode 4.1 — Heritage Voices

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Protecting Marshall Island's Heritage in the Face of Climate Change - Episode 4.1

This episode is a follow up to the previous episode (episode 4) with Tina Stege about climate change in the Marshall Islands. This episode features both Tina Stege, Marshallese Anthropologist, and Jenny Newell, Collection Co-Manager at the Australian Museum, Sydney. The two talk about how museums can bring collections to life for associated communities, their collaborative ethnographic project looking at adaptions to climate change in the Marshall Islands, international repatriation vs. NAGPRA, as well as what role museums play related to climate change. We discuss questions such as “How can museums help preserve culture and help people adapt as homelands sink underwater?” and “what happens to sovereign governments as they no longer have a place to govern over”?



Jessica Yaquinto
Twitter (@livingheritageA)

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