Publishing - Episode 19
On Today’s episode, Jessica hosts a panel focused on publishing. The panel includes Dr. Lisa Hardy (Editor of one of the Society for Applied Anthropology’s (SFAA) journals, Practicing Anthropology), Sarah Herr (Editor of one of the Society for American Archaeology’s (SAA) journals, Advances in Archaeological Practice), Dr. Kathleen Van Vlack (Editor of the High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology’s (HPSFAA) journal The Applied Anthropologist), and Dr. David Martinez (Akimel O’odham, Associate Professor of American Indian Studies at Arizona State University). Unfortunately, due to some last minute technical difficulties, Lyle was unable to join the call as co-host and panelist. Also, we actually recorded this episode back in March, so you may notice that things we mentioned happened awhile ago, so sorry about all that. We talked about everyone’s experience with publishing, tips for those who are interesting in publishing, challenges with diversity in publishing, and where they would like to see publishing going in the future. These amazing editors look forward to working with you towards publishing in their journals!
Advances in Archaeological Practice-
Arizona State University American Indian Studies-
The Applied Anthropologist-
Practicing Anthropology Blog-
The Politics of Citation: Is the Peer Review Process Biased Against Indigenous Academics? -
Archaeology Southwest Magazine- Bears Ears: Sacred and Threatened-
The book Kathleen did her first book review on (Ordeal of Change: The Southern Utes and their Neighbors by Francis Leon Quintana)-
Desert Archaeology Blog-
'Life of the Indigenous Mind: Vine Deloria Jr and the Birth of the Red Power Movement'-Title of Dr. Martinez’s book he mentioned on Vine Deloria and including the Standing Rock Sioux Activists. University of Nebraska Press, expected Spring 2019.
First Advances in Archaeological Practice Podcast Digital Review-
Advances in Archaeological Practice Free Digital Reviews-
High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology-