Climate Change and the Nuclear Legacy in the Marshall Islands - Episode 4 — Heritage Voices

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Climate Change and the Nuclear Legacy in the Marshall Islands - Episode 4

This episode features Marshallese Anthropologist Kristina Stege talking about her community based research and advocacy related to climate change and the nuclear legacy in the Marshall Islands. She first discusses the Marshall Islands’ quest for recognition and assistance related to the U.S. testing of nuclear bombs on their islands post-WWII. Then we discuss climate change effects, advocacy, community based research, mitigation effects, and the representation of pacific islanders in larger narratives.

Make sure to check out the follow up episode focusing on the role of museums related to climate change, including how do you preserve and maintain culture when your homeland will soon be underwater and how do you make museum collections relevant for associated communities.



Jessica Yaquinto
Twitter (@livingheritageA) 

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