Indigenous Australian Archaeology - Ep 38
On today’s episode Jessica hosts Dr. Chris Wilson, Senior Lecturer in Indigenous Australian Studies and Archaeology at Flinders University. In 2017, Dr. Wilson was the first Indigenous Australian to be awarded a PhD in Archaeology. Dr. Wilson tells how the discovery of family history/geneaology, family and community involvement, and the archaeology of whaling all tied together within his Ph.D research. Throughout the episode he also shows how the archaeological research being done in Australia today, including his own fascinating zooarchaeology work, is breaking down misperceptions of Indigenous Australians. Towards the end of the episode Dr. Wilson touches on Indigenous rights and repatriation in Australia. Note: This includes a brief (and disturbing) discussion on repatriation from anatomy labs.
Series-First Inventors
Rutledge Book [Coming 2020]
Ngarrindjeri Ruwar and the Archaeology of the Lower Murray, South Australia
National Indigenous Knowledges and Research Network (NIRAKN)
ABC News 24 - Dr Christopher Wilson - Ngarrindjeri archaeology
Articles about becoming the first Indigenous Australia to get a PhD
Chris’ Email: