prehistoric — Arch365

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Stonehenge - Episode 18040

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Stonehenge is a British cultural icon that is also one of the best known archaeological sites in the world. It is set within one of the most extensive Neolithic and Bronze age landscapes in Britain.


Stonehenge - Episode 18040
APN - Panda Terry

Beaker People - Episode 18024

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Extending between the Iberian Peninsula in the West, Central Europe and Italy in the East, Britain, Ireland and Jutland in the North, and Sardinia, Sicily, and the Balearic Islands in the South the ‘Bell-Beaker’ culture is the most widely distributed and coherent prehistoric ‘culture’ that has been identified in Europe. 


Beaker People - Episode 18024
APN - Panda Terry

The Neville Archaeological Site - Episode 295

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One of the most important sites in New England, the Neville site has a rich history and a massive series of archaeological deposits that archaeologists have learned a lot from, and will continue learning from, in the future.


The Neville Archaeological Site - Episode 295
APN - Rachel Roden

Idaho's Buhl Woman - Episode 254

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She was found in a quarry, ate mostly bison and elk when she was alive, and died mysteriously. This is Idaho's Buhl woman - known as Buhla.


Idaho's Buhl Woman - Episode 254
APN - Chris Webster

The Miami Circle - Episode 246

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Trapped in the heart of downtown Miami, Florida, the Miami Circle represents the ancient ruins of a prehistoric structure that is thought to have been used for ceremonial reasons, and, perhaps as a place for the dead to rejoin the soil and the environment.


The Miami Circle - Episode 246
APN - Chris Webster

Ancient America - San Juan River - Episode 220

On today's episode Kenneth Feder continues the series based on his most recent book, "Ancient America: 50 Archaeological Sites You Should See For Yourself", with the San Juan River.


Ancient America - San Juan River - Episode 220
APN - Kenneth Feder

White River Narrows Petroglyphs - Episode 209

On today's show, we learn about the White River Narrows Archaeological District in Lincoln County, Nevada. WRN has some of the best examples of petroglyphs in the area and has a lot to teach us about prehistoric lifeways in that area.


White River Narrows Petroglyphs - Episode 209
APN - Chris Webster

Ancient America - Meadowcroft Rockshelter - Episode 140

On today's episode Kenneth Feder continues the series based on his most recent book, "Ancient America: 50 Archaeological Sites You Should See For Yourself", with Meadowcroft Rockshelter.


Ancient America - Meadowcroft Rockshelter - Episode 140
APN - Kenneth Feder

Ancient America, Cemetery Mound - Episode 126

On today's show Dr. Kenneth Feder talks about Cemetery Mound - just one of the 50 sites in his book "Ancient America: 50 Archaeological Sites You Should See For Yourself" (Rowman and Littlefield, 2016).


Ancient America, Cemetery Mound - Episode 126
APN - Kenneth Feder

Etzanoa: Changing North American Archaeology - Episode 096

Dr. Don Blakeslee (Wichita State University) joins Chris Sims at the APN booth during SAA2017 to talk about his work at Etzanoa, a site in Southern Kansas that's changing what we know about North American archaeology.


Etzanoa: Changing North American Archaeology - Episode 096
APN - Christopher Sims

Obsidian (Not Dragon Glass) - Episode 065

On today's show we learn about obsidian. No, not the dragon glass from Game of Thrones - the volcanic glass used for millennia by prehistoric peoples around the world.


  • Obsidian Wikipedia Entry:
  • Dictionary of Archaeology - Edited by Paul Bahn
    • 2004  “Dictionary of Archaeology”. Penguin Reference, Penguin Books, London, England.
Obsidian - Episode 065
APN - Chris Webster

Atlatls with Dr Whittaker - Episode 033

On today we play the lecture portion of Episode 8 from the Archaeology Show where Dr. John Whittaker talks about his research with Atlatls - the ancient dart throwing device. For the rest of the interview check out Episode 8 of the Archaeology Show.

Lecture materials

Atlatls with Dr Whittaker - Episode 033
APN - Chris Webster
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