Bath - Episode 18044
The Roman baths, in the City of Bath, England, are one of the best preserved roman bathing complexes in the United Kingdom.
The Roman baths, in the City of Bath, England, are one of the best preserved roman bathing complexes in the United Kingdom.
Stonehenge is a British cultural icon that is also one of the best known archaeological sites in the world. It is set within one of the most extensive Neolithic and Bronze age landscapes in Britain.
Jórvík, the scandinavian name for the southern kingdom of Northumbria, which roughly corresponds to present day Yorkshire, and also its capital city York, was controlled by a succession of Norse warrior-kings between the late 9th and early 10th century CE.
A linear earthwork along the border of Wales and England, Offa’s Dyke is one of the largest surviving Saxon-era earthworks in Britain.
The Tower of London has an enduring place in the popular imagination as a place of torture and execution, but it is also a World Heritage Site, and fascinating example of evolving castle design through history.