historic — Arch365

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The Pitkin Glassworks - Arch365 261

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Once the only glassworks in Connecticut, the Pitkin factory is still partially standing today. It operated for almost 50 years and produced a number of unique and common styles of glassware.


The Pitkin Glassworks - Episode 261
APN - Chris Webster

Earliest Settlements in Nevada - Episode 207

This is part 4 in a 4 part series that covers exploration and early settlement in Nevada. The source document is from a historic context created for the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office and is provided below.


Earliest Settlements in Nevada - Episode 207
APN - Chris Webster

The Moore's Mill Battle with Dr. Doug Scott - Episode 152

On today's episode Dr. Doug Scott talks about the Moore's Mill Civil War Battle in Missouri. Missouri comes in third for most battles in the Civil War. Dr. Scott talks about how they were able to determine through archaeology exactly what happened there and he talks about an ancestor of his that fought on that site.


The Moore's Mill Battle with Dr Doug Scott - Episode 152
APN - Doug Scott

Etzanoa: Changing North American Archaeology - Episode 096

Dr. Don Blakeslee (Wichita State University) joins Chris Sims at the APN booth during SAA2017 to talk about his work at Etzanoa, a site in Southern Kansas that's changing what we know about North American archaeology.


Etzanoa: Changing North American Archaeology - Episode 096
APN - Christopher Sims

Historic Bottles - Episode 068

On today's episode we're going to learn about historic bottles. What are the parts of a bottle? How are they recorded by archaeologists? How can I date a bottle?

This information is a companion to a video from Professional Certifications for Scientists. Check out there video in the links below.


Historic Bottles - Episode 068
APN - Chris Webster

Historical Archaeologist James Deetz - Episode 039

On today's show we celebrate the life of one of archaeology's greats - Dr. James Deetz. He is widely considered one of the fathers of historical archaeology and was a pioneer in many ways.


Historical Archaeologist James Deetz - Episode 039
APN - Chris Webster
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