south america

Middle American Archaeology with John Hoopes - Ep 70

Today’s guest for episode 70 is Dr. John Hoopes, a professor from the University of Kansas. His specialization is Middle American archaeology - which is far south-central America and far northern South America including Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Panama (just to name a few). John discusses some of his studies and recent publications on the extraordinary objects of gold and jadeite dating from 2500 years ago to the historic era. Highlighting the reasons that these remarkable objects are so ritually potent and supernaturally powerful. Come along for a wondrous ride.

Interested in learning about how to use X-Rays and similar technology in archaeology? Check out the linked PaleoImaging course from James Elliot!






Living in a Pre-Contact Society with Dr. Richard J. Chacon - Ep 44

Dr. Richard Chacon, a professor at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina, has spent a lot of time living with and studying pre-contact societies. In this sense, pre-contact simply means they do not interact with modern societies on a regular basis. Dr. Chacon has some great stories and insights from his adventures.



