Mojave — A podcast about rock art.

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Uto-Aztecan Iconisity with Dr. Tirtha Mukhopadhyay - Ep 68

Dr. Mukhopadhyay talks to Alan about their forthcoming book and projects related to the Uto-Aztecan peoples of the eastern Mojave desert and leading into Mexico. They look at the timeline and journey of the iconisity of the Uto-Aztecan people through time and space.

Interested in learning about how to use X-Rays and similar technology in archaeology? Check out the linked PaleoImaging course from James Elliot!






Animal-Human Headdresses with Dr. Alan Garfinkel - Ep 39

Dr. Alan Garfinkel has studied animal-human headdresses in the eastern Mojave desert for much of his career. These items help shamans commune with the spirit world and show the people they support that prosperity is coming. What do these date to? What were they made of? All this and more on today's episode.




The Eastern Mojave: A Conversation About Adventure and Science with Dr. Alan Garfinkel - Ep 22

This episode is unusual as Chris Webster interviews Dr. Alan Garfinkel about his recent work in the national Mojave preserve. Dr. Garfinkel was in the Mojave desert over the summer identifying, documenting, and evaluating world class rock art sites. In this episode he shares stories both of the documentation process, as well as other anecdotes from his time in one of the hottest places in the US!




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