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Live from the Royal Hawaiian! - Pseudo 159

Live from the Royal Hawaiian! - Pseudo 159
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Some days in life you may find yourself at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel on Waikiki Beach. Those are defined as “good days.” While experiencing one of those good days, I thought “why not try and do a “live” podcast using just my phone and the shaky hotel wifi, centered on the history and ghost stories associated with the hotel?” It sounded like a great idea to me - listen in to see if it actually worked!




Kinkella Visits Sedona Arizona and Gets New Aged - Pseudo 158

Kinkella Visits Sedona Arizona and Gets New Aged - Pseudo 158
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Sedona Arizona is a pretty place. It’s also so full of New Age groups and believers that it puts the mumbo in mumbo jumbo. Is this a good thing, bad thing, or it-doesn’t-matter thing?




Monolith: 2001, 2010, Today and Forever! - Pseudo 157

Monolith: 2001, 2010, Today and Forever! - Pseudo 157
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Everyone’s favorite monolith must be the one from 2001: A Space Odyssey, but did you know that monoliths have been popping up across the world in mysterious and unexplained ways? Taking this one step further, if you are guessing that “mysterious and unexplained” may be secret code words for “fake and easily explainable” then you my friend may be a master of secret codes!

PS - We have to do a bit on 2010: The Year We Make Contact because all monoliths must be covered for the sake of science.


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to

  • For a transcript of this episode, tap the Zencastr icon on in the upper left corner of the Podcast image.




The Chupacabra is Coming to Get You! - Pseudo 156

The Chupacabra is Coming to Get You! - Pseudo 156
APN - Andrew Kinkella

What the hell is a chupacabra anyway? You’ve heard the term, but then you thought “Wait. Is that like a Mexican Leprechaun or something?” You may also ask “Hey Kinkella - how is this archaeological in any way?” I actually have answers for all of these questions, but you have to listen to the podcast, because that’s how I roll.


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to




Kinkella Meets the Witchdoctor of Belize! - Pseudo 155

Kinkella Meets the Witchdoctor of Belize! - Pseudo 155
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Have you ever had an experience that you look back on years later and think, “Did that really happen?” This is definitely one of mine. Included in this episode is a witchdoctor, a bottle of rum, a Maya pyramid, and a guitar. Yes, you read that correctly.


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to




From the Jungles of Belize: Beware the Duende! - Pseudo 154

From the Jungles of Belize: Beware the Duende! - Pseudo 154
APN - Andrew Kinkella

While some people like Bigfoot and others prefer a good helping of Loch Ness Monster or Chupacabra, the Belizean choice is the Duende. Join me as we track down this mischievous forest creature, and don’t forget to hide your thumbs!


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to




2024 End of the Year Review! - Pseudo 153

2024 End of the Year Review! - Pseudo 153
APN - Andrew Kinkella

It’s time to reflect on the highs and lows that 2024 has brought to the world of Pseudoarchaeology. As always, there are not any highs, but the competition to be the lowest of the lows is as fierce as ever!


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to




Six Degrees of Menendez Murders: I Knew a Guy Who Knew the Guy - Pseudo 152

Six Degrees of Menendez Murders: I Knew a Guy Who Knew the Guy - Pseudo 152
APN - Andrew Kinkella

As the Menendez murders have gotten renewed attention in recent weeks, I thought I would tell my story about my personal interactions with one of the cast of characters involved in the trial. I found him to be a really nice guy involved in an insane situation.

It’s funny how similar true crime is to both archaeology and pseudoarchaeology (and I’ve found that they also have very similar audiences- I bet that many of you are into true crime as well). On one hand there’s real data and facts you can use to solve the case, and on the other there’s a bunch of shysters and liars trying to tell a fake story!


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to




Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse 2: When One Apocalypse is Not Enough - Pseudo 151

Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse 2: When One Apocalypse is Not Enough - Pseudo 151
APN - Andrew Kinkella

I have watched all episodes of Ancient Apocalypse 2: The Americas. It’s the same as the first one, just with different places. Overall it makes me sad, but not for the reasons you may think….

Now you have to listen to find out my reasons! I’m sorry for playing with your emotions.





What’s The Deal With Percy Fawcett and The Lost City of Z? - Pseudo 150

What’s The Deal With Percy Fawcett and The Lost City of Z? - Ep 150
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Percy Fawcett was an explorer who is famous for attempting to find a lost city that doesn’t exist, and ultimately cutting short his own existence in the process. Still, he’s a super interesting dude full of adventure, daring, and traits both good and bad, all of which leads to an unfortunate end of the road in 1925.





“The Atlantis Puzzle” and the Richat Structure: African Atlanteans Won’t Leave Me Alone - Pseudo 149

“The Atlantis Puzzle” and the Richat Structure: African Atlanteans Won’t Leave Me Alone - Pseudo 149
APN - Andrew Kinkella

On yet another special edition of this podcast, I’ve been asked to review “The Atlantis Puzzle,” so I did. Is it the same old pseudoarchaeological nonsense we usually get complete with a retread of the tired and utterly debunked Richat Structure, or have they actually found Atlantis? You be the judge.





Completing the Circuit of Silliness: The Baghdad Battery - Pseudo 148

Completing the Circuit of Silliness: The Baghdad Battery - Pseudo 148
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Were you hoping that the Dendera Light from the last episode was the last you would hear of “ancient electricity?” Well too bad! Brace yourself for another round of electric foolishness, as we energize ourselves with the Baghdad Battery!





Let There Be Darkness: The Dendera Light - Pseudo 147

Let There Be Darkness: The Dendera Light - Pseudo 147
APN - Andrew Kinkella

It’s time for yet another old school classic! Today’s topic is the Dendera “light,” which is a carved image on the side of an Egyptian temple that looks like a light bulb. Did ancient Egyptians have electric light bulbs? The full, correct answer to this question is transcribed in capital letters here: “OF COURSE THEY DIDN’T. PLEASE STOP BULLSHITTING ME.”






Let’s Find Amelia Earhart! - Pseudo 146

Let’s Find Amelia Earhart! - Pseudo 146
APN - Andrew Kinkella

It’s Amelia Earhart time! What happened on that fateful day of July 2, 1937? We’ve always been pretty sure that Earhart crashed somewhere near Howland Island, but new evidence may make us VERY sure that Earhart crashed somewhere near Howland Island! Unlike most of our stories on this channel, this one actually has some real data that is being analyzed using good scientific protocol. Imagine that!





Helena Blavatsky - Pseudo 145

Helena Blavatsky - Pseudo 145
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Continuing on with the whole “I listen to my listeners so I am a good person” situation, this week I’m covering Helena Blavatsky. Beyond the fact that several of you have asked for this one, I myself have been super curious about Helena Blavatsky, as her name crops up whenever you take a stroll in the Pseudoarchaeology universe. Of course, if your name is “Helena Blavatsky” then membership in the occult is required.





Sci-Fi, H.P. Lovecraft, and Pseudoarchaeology - Pseudo 144

Sci-Fi, H.P. Lovecraft, and Pseudoarchaeology - Pseudo 144
APN - Andrew Kinkella

I want you to know that I listen to you. As proof, tonight I’m covering the writer H.P. Lovecraft and his relationship to the Pseudoarchaeology world because a listener suggested it! See, I care (Also I’m a huge sci-fi nerd).





The Megalithic Temples of Malta - Pseudo 143

The Megalithic Temples of Malta - Pseudo 143
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Malta is an island in the Mediterranean that is super far away from everything else in the Mediterranean. On this island, there are some temples that were made over five thousand years ago by the farmers that lived on the island. They used some pretty big stones to make them. There is also a cave there where they buried some bodies.

I would label this as “super easy to understand.” Not everyone feels like I do. Prepare yourself for fake dates, alignments that don’t align to anything, and an entire classroom of children that not only disappeared, but never existed in the first place…





The Bimini Road - Pseudo 142

The Bimini Road - Pseudo 142
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Continuing our fruitful discussion on famous geological formations that were not made by humans and don’t mean anything, I thought we’d take a cruise down the Bimini Road, AKA “The Stones of Atlantis.” Located in the Bahamas, this pile of stones is the big brother to last week’s pile of stones, the Yonaguni Submarine Ruins. Which one is stupider? YOU DECIDE.





The Yonaguni Submarine Ruins - Pseudo 141

The Yonaguni Submarine Ruins - Pseudo 141
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Deep below the waves in southern Japan, surrounded in mystery and intrigue, there lies a pile of stones. But wait, is this just any pile of stones? The answer is yes, it is just any pile of stones.






Flint Dibble and Graham Hancock Talk for 4.5 Hours on The Joe Rogan Experience - Pseudo 140

Flint Dibble and Graham Hancock Talk for 4.5 Hours on The Joe Rogan Experience - Pseudo 140
APN - Andrew Kinkella

The main event has happened! Real archaeologist Flint Dibble takes on pseudoarchaeologist Graham Hancock in a battle royale on the Joe Rogan Podcast, and lucky for us all I am here to provide the color commentary.






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