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Rachel Roden

Wolf Photography with Hannah Rheaume - Ethno 13

Wolf Photography with Hannah Rheaume - Ethno 13
APN - David Ian Howe

In this episode of Ethnocynology with David Ian Howe, David sits down with friend and wildlife photographer Hannah Rheaume.

Hannah, born in Maine, but residing in the Pacific Northwest today, frequently travels to Yellowstone to photograph wolves in the wild.

David asks her about her childhood, what led her to photography, and what it must be like to get so close to wolves and understand their behavior.

You can follow Hannah on her Instagram and on her website linked below.

Hannah’s IG: Instagram (@hannahrheaume)

Hannah’s website: Hannah's Camera | Linktree




The Mistress of Animals - Rock Art 140

The Mistress of Animals - Rock Art 140
APN - Alan Garfinkel

Today, Chris Webster joins Alan to talk about a rock art panel from Arizona. It’s got a handful of elements but a bug story to tell. We try to interpret some of the elements and Alan tells us how to read the others.



Affiliates and Sponsors

Neurodiverse Entertainers with Dr Jessica Secmezsoy-Urquhart - ADHD 11

Neurodiverse Entertainers with Dr Jessica Secmezsoy-Urquhart - ADHD 11
APN - George Lomas

In this episode George talks to neurodivergent Historian Jessica Secmezsoy-Urquhart about their research in the fascinating area of neurodiverse jesters, fools and entertainers in renaissance Royal courts in England and Scotland.


Jessica can be contacted as a PhD Historian at jyesu@st-andrews.ac.uk or Jessicasecmezsoy@outlook.com, online as JessicasuAKA@twitter/Jessicaakas@insta/Jessica Secmezsoy-Urquhart@FB/Jessicasuaka@tiktok and as a writer at Bookseeker Agency.


Your Story by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0



Live from the Royal Hawaiian! - Pseudo 159

Live from the Royal Hawaiian! - Pseudo 159
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Some days in life you may find yourself at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel on Waikiki Beach. Those are defined as “good days.” While experiencing one of those good days, I thought “why not try and do a “live” podcast using just my phone and the shaky hotel wifi, centered on the history and ghost stories associated with the hotel?” It sounded like a great idea to me - listen in to see if it actually worked!




Perspectives from a Post-Menopausal Brown Girl in CRM - HeVo 95

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Perspectives from a Post-Menopausal Brown Girl in CRM - HeVo 95
APN - Jessica Yaquinto

On today’s episode, Jessica chats with Trish Fernandez (Founder and Principal at InContext). Jessica and Trish discuss Trish’s journey into archaeology, including working in CRM as a mother of a young child. Trish describes her Masters research looking at Mexicans in the gold rush and how themes found in that work continue to resonate today. Next Trish describes her path to founding InContext and the culture she wanted to provide for her employees. Finally, she describes an large important excavation project in NAPA, what she learned from working on a controversial ethnography project during COVID, and the importance of advocating for the rights of workers in archaeology.





Rhoda and the Rooster of Pazyryk (Part 2) - Trowel 40

And My Trowel podcast logo
Rhoda and the Rooster of Pazyryk (Part 2) - Trowel 40
APN - Ash and Tilly

In part two, Tilly and Ash continue their mission with Rhoda, artefact conservator and tattoo artist, to help the Hamunaptra Revitalisation Society bring back personhood into their reanimated - and potentially tattooed - mummies! In this episode, the team looks at the tools and techniques for uncovering ancient tattoos and asks why would someone tattoo a rooster on their thumb?





From the Woods to the Farm: Transformations in the Central Plains - Plains 16

From the Woods to the Farm: Transformations in the Central Plains - Plains 16
APN - Carlton Shield Chief Gover

In this episode of The Great Plains Archaeology Podcast, we examine the shift from the Late Plains Woodland Period to the emergence of the Early Plains Village tradition in the Central Plains. We explore the changes in settlement patterns, subsistence strategies, and social organization that accompanied this transition, from increased maize agriculture to the development of more permanent villages. What drove these transformations, and how did they set the foundation for later Central Plains societies? Join us as we unpack the archaeological evidence and discuss what this pivotal period reveals about the resilience and adaptability of Plains communities.




The Sunnyside? - CRMArch 308

CRM Archaeology Podcast Icon
The Sunnyside? - CRMArch 308
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

During these uncertain times in our discipline, it is easy and understandable to be assuming the worst. However, in order to ride any storm, it is important to have a broad perspective and prepare for all outcomes. On this episode, Andrew and Heather consider various perspectives of the current state of CRM in light of the most recent executive orders and the laying off of federal archaeologists. We consider both the shadowy and sunny side of the proverbial CRM street and provide some potential avenues of action.

Blogs and Resources:



Stories from the Internet - Aliens 81

Stories from the Internet - Aliens 81
APN - Fredrik Trusohamn

In this episode, we take a deep dive into various pseudohistorical claims circulating online and rigorously analyze the evidence debunking them. We discuss the significance of archaeological sites, how modern influences have impacted them, and the importance of accurate historical representation. Through careful examination, we confront the myths surrounding ancient civilizations and emphasize the role of critical thinking in separating fact from fiction. Join us as we explore the widespread misinformation about the past and the necessity of credible sources in historical discourse.


  • This episode meticulously dissects various pseudohistorical claims prevalent on online platforms, providing substantial evidence for their debunking.

  • We emphasize the historical significance of archaeological sites, illustrating how modern actions have adversely affected their integrity.

  • Through rigorous analysis, we confront the misconceptions surrounding ancient civilizations, particularly the misinterpretations propagated by pseudoscientific narratives.

  • The discussion highlights the importance of critical thinking and skepticism when encountering extraordinary claims about ancient history.

  • We explore how pseudoscientific theories often lack credible sources and rely heavily on anecdotal evidence, further muddying the waters of historical understanding.

  • The episode serves as a reminder of the necessity for accurate historical representation and the dangers posed by misinformation in the digital age.


  • 00:15 - Introduction to Ancient Aliens and Archaeology

  • 01:46 - Puma Punku - The Impact of Modernity on Ancient Sites

  • 09:21 - The Myths of Sitchin and the Sumerian Language

  • 14:50 - Investigating Sources and Claims of Sitchin

  • 21:36 - Mohenjo Daro - The Myth of Nuclear War in Ancient Times

  • 26:05 - The Mystery of Elongated Skulls in Ancient Egypt

  • 35:47 - Cultural Practices and Misconceptions

  • 40:02 - Exploring the Pyramid of Gaius Cestius

  • 46:55 - Introduction to Season Two of Ancient Apocalypse

Digging up Ancient Aliens on the web:

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The intro music is Lily of the woods by Sandra Marteleur, and the outro is named “Folie hatt” by Trallskruv.



The Kandakes of Kush - TPM 14

The Kandakes of Kush - TPM 14
APN - Stephanie Rice

For centuries, the story of the Nile has been dominated by Egypt but just beyond its borders, another great empire thrived. The Kingdom of Kush, rising in what is now Sudan, was a formidable force that conquered Egypt, commanded vital trade routes, and even stood against the mighty Roman Empire. But what truly set Kush apart was that its queens were warriors, monument builders, and sometimes they even ruled as sovereigns in their own right.

In this episode of The Past Macabre, we explore the lives and legacies of the Kandakes, the queens of Kush who wielded power like no other women of their time. These queens led armies into battle, oversaw the construction of vast temples and pyramids, and ensured that Kush flourished as a wealthy and influential empire. Through archaeology and ancient texts, we’ll uncover how they ruled, how they resisted foreign invaders, and how they shaped the destiny of their people.




TAS LIVE: Mexican Pre-History - TAS 298

TAS LIVE: Mexican Pre-History - TAS 298
APN - Chris and Rachel

On a warm sunny day in February Chris and Rachel set up on the beach in Mexico with a live audience and a virtual one to talk about the prehistory of Mexico. Of course they started with tacos!




(Part 2) On Tattoos, Nashville, and the Civil War? - Ethno 12

(Part 2) On Tattoos, Nashville, and the Civil War? - Ethno 12
APN - David Ian Howe

David then discusses the Bellemeade Mansion and the Hermitage in Nashville, and how these powerful Southern families partook in the war.

But mainly, David speaks candidly about how these historic sites have evolved (and not evolved) in their ways of including the story Black Americans and those of the African Diaspora into the landscape of these histories




Quantum Consciousness - Rock Art 139

Quantum Consciousness - Rock Art 139
APN - Alan Garfinkel

Everything in this world is connected. On this episode, Alan and Chris discuss shamanism in relation to the quantum consciousness.



Affiliates and Sponsors

The First Step - ADHD 10

The First Step - ADHD 10
APN - George Lomas

In this episode George ponders the possibility that neurodivergent people played a major role in ancient migrations. Through the medium of his imagination George tells the fictional story of a neurodivergent hunter who takes the first steps in the Americas to creatively explore the neurodivergent migration theory.


Your Story by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0



Kinkella Visits Sedona Arizona and Gets New Aged - Pseudo 158

Kinkella Visits Sedona Arizona and Gets New Aged - Pseudo 158
APN - Andrew Kinkella

Sedona Arizona is a pretty place. It’s also so full of New Age groups and believers that it puts the mumbo in mumbo jumbo. Is this a good thing, bad thing, or it-doesn’t-matter thing?




TAS LIVE: Gladiator 2 Review - TAS 297

TAS LIVE: Gladiator 2 Review - TAS 297
APN - Chris and Rachel

This week, we share the live recording of TAS from the 10th anniversary celebration back in December. We deep dive the Gladiator movies and talk about what they got right and wrong in the movies about who gladiators were. We also look at how accurately (or not!) some of the real historical figures were portrayed in the movies.




Rhoda Fromme and the Rooster of Pazyryk (Part 1) - Trowel 39

And My Trowel podcast logo
Rhoda Fromme and the Rooster of Pazyryk (Part 1) - Trowel 39
APN - Ash and Tilly

This month, Tilly and Ash need to figure out how to archaeologically investigate ancient tattoos, in order to help out the Hamunaptra Revitalisation Society. Luckily, they are joined by archaeological conservator and professional tattoo artist Rhoda Fromme. Listen in to hear the answer to your burning archaeology and tattoo questions: What are the different meanings of tattoos? Is archaeology just jousting and bagpipes? And what’s the big deal with dots and lines?

Books Mentioned

  • The Mortal Instruments series - Cassandra Clare

  • Katie Bishop series - Luanne Bennett

  • ACOTAR series - Sarah J. Maas

  • Thud - Terry Pratchett

  • Die Insel der Tausend Leuchttürme - Walter Moers

  • Avatar the Last Airbender - TV Show

  • Harry Potter series - J.K Rowling

  • Moana - Disney




  • For rough transcripts of this episode, go to: https://www.archpodnet.com/trowel/39



Plains Woodland Pathways: Kansas City Hopewell - Plains 15

Plains Woodland Pathways: Kansas City Hopewell - Plains 15
APN - Carlton Shield Chief Gover

In this episode of The Great Plains Archaeology Podcast, we explore the Plains Woodland Period and the vast networks that connected the Great Plains to the Midwest and Southeast. Focusing on the Kansas City Hopewell, we examine the evidence for long-distance exchange, ceremonial traditions, and social ties that linked Plains communities with broader cultural movements. We also discuss Late Woodland feasting events and their role in setting the stage for later interactions with Mississippian cultures. Join us as we uncover how these early connections shaped the cultural landscape of the Plains before the rise of the Mississippian world.

Links and SOurces:


  • For rough transcripts of this episode, go to: https://www.archpodnet.com/great-plains-archaeology/15



Section 106 goes to court? What do the recent changes to NEPA and NHPA mean for CRM? - CRMArch 307

CRM Archaeology Podcast Icon
Section 106 goes to court? What do the recent changes to NEPA and NHPA mean for CRM? - CRMArch 307
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

The crew discusses the recent changes to NEPA and NHPA and how these job creation programs for lawyers will affect CRM… or not.


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to https://www.archpodnet.com/crmarchpodcast/307

Blogs and Resources:



New Discoveries From Ancient Egypt - TPM 13

New Discoveries From Ancient Egypt - TPM 13
APN - Stephanie Rice

For the first time since the discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922, archaeologists have unearthed the tomb of a pharaoh! It belongs to Thutmose II of Egypt’s powerful 18th Dynasty, who was the husband of Hatshepsut, the woman who ruled on her own as king. But that’s not all, near Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri, incredible new finds are shedding fresh light on one of Egypt’s most powerful women, and those who came before her. What do these discoveries reveal about the golden age of ancient Egypt? Tune in for the latest on these groundbreaking discoveries!


  • For transcripts of this episode head over to: https://archpodnet.com/tpm/13




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