Creating a Digital Future with Wildnote CEO Kristen Hazard - Ep 58

Kristen Hazard is the CEO and founder of Wildnote, a digital data collection and management platform that is helping environmental firms to their work faster and more accurately. Chris interviews her on The Archaeology Radio Show on KNVC, Carson City Media.



California Rock Art with Dr. Alan Garfinkel - Ep 57

Today’s episode is actually a recording of the first interview I did as a radio host at KNVC 95.1 in Carson City Nevada. They cut off the first few minutes so we pick it up with one of my next questions. I talk to Dr. Garfinkel about Rock Art, his career and how he got into it, and what it all means in the greater cultural context.



Creating Archaeological TV That Doesn't Suck - Ep 56

I met up with Dr. Monty Dobson, creator of the TV series, America From The Ground Up, now in its second season. We spoke at the Society for Historical Archaeology Meetings in St. Charles Missouri in January of 2019 about his production studio and what it takes to make good TV for archaeology.



Can Your ClipBoard Do That? - Ep55

Today play another episode of the live-on-Facebook show “You Call This Archaeology” with Chris Webster and Richie Cruz. We talk about contract archaeology, wireless chargers, Megan Fox, and the digital archaeology transition, among other things. Get notified when we go live on Facebook by liking the page!



Megan Fox Teaches Archaeology - Ep54

So, Megan Fox likes archaeology and wants to tell us all about it. Well, our host Chris Webster has a few things to say about that. They're, surprisingly, not all bad. Check out the show if you haven't - it won't be on for long.

