Pre-Clovis Sites Part 2 - Ep 142
With the definitive dating of the “human” footprints at White Sands pushing back the earliest human occupation of North America to 21,000 to 23,000 years BP, we decided to take a look at several well known pre-Clovis sites. These sites are often controversial and heavily debated amongst archaeologists. We’ll discuss the findings from each site, why they are controversial, and what we think.
Stunning footprints push back human arrival in Americas by thousands of years (Nat Geo)
Evidence of humans in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum (Science)
130k-Year-Old Arch Site with Dr. Steven Holen - Special Episode - The Archaeology Show
Radioactive Science and a 130,000-Year-Old Mastodon - ArchaeoTech 52
Settlers of Cerutti: Evaluating Claims About the Cerutti Mastodon Site - Ruins 37
Reclaiming Indigenous Histories and the Indigenous Paleolithic - HeVo 31
Getting "in tune" with the Paleoindian with Dr. Jesse Tune - Ruins 50
Surprise discoveries in Mexico Cave may double time of peopling of the Americas
Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum
Were humans living in a Mexican cave during the last ice age? (Science)
Chris Webster
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