Radio Killed the Podcast Star - Ep53

On Friday, Dec. 7th, 2018 Chris took this show on the radio. He’s doing a new show every Friday from 12pm to 1pm PST. Unfortunately the equipment that normally records the live broadcast went down before the show and no one noticed. So, Richie Cruz joined us again to talk about the show and some other things in a Facebook Live episode of You Call This Archaeology.


  • Find the radio show here: KNVC


You Call This Archaeology?!?! - Ep52

Here is the recording of a live show we do on Facebook at the ArchPodNet page. Richie Cruz is the co-host and we talk about a variety of things loosely tied to archaeology. And I mean loosely.

Also, don't forget to check out Chris' new radio show starting Dec. 7, 2018 at 12pm PST on



Studying Human Evolution without the Humans - Ep51

Can you study human evolution without looking at humans or human ancestors specifically? Our guest on this show is doing just that. By studying old world monkeys in the fossil record, ASU graduate student Irene Smail is learning about how humans and monkeys ate and lived on the African landscape.



The Earliest North Americans with Dr. David Kilby - Ep50

The people known to archaeologists as "Clovis" were widely thought to be the first people to migrate to North America. Where did they come from and how did they get here? Also, when did they get here? These questions remain unanswered in North American Prehistory but we're getting a lot closer. Dr. David Kilby joins us to talk theories and some of the latest evidence.



A 5000 Year Old Burial Site in Kenya with Elizabeth Sawchuk - Ep 49

5000 years ago pastoralists in Kenya created a burial site with a specific plan. For at least the next 400 years, possibly as long as 800 years, over 500 people of all ages and classes were buried with amazing precision and care. With no system of writing it's unclear how they accomplished this. Dr. Elizabeth Sawchuk, one of the researchers on the project, gives us some insight into life around Lake Turkana 5000 years ago and about the people buried there.

