
You Call This Archaeology? June 28 2020 - Ep 93

Join Chris Webster and Richie Cruz for an episode of You Call This Archaeology?!?! It's a live show about nothing, but sometimes about archaeology, that they do on the APN Facebook page. Head over and "like" the page to get notified when they go live so you can join in the conversation. On this episode they talk about RVs, camping, mine sites, and more.




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The American Flat Mill near Virginia City, Nevada - Ep 87

The American Flat Mill was built at great expense in 1922 and shut down just four years later. It was a marvel of architecture and has an amazing story associated with it. On this episode we talk to BLM archaeologist Alicia Jensen and the archaeologist that wrote the report on the site, Ron Reno, about the American Flat Mill and how and why the BLM did what they did with it.


