Archer, Journey to Stonehenge - Episode 19
Jane Brayne has written and illustrated a comic strip style picture book on the journey of the Amesbury Archer, and kindly appears as a guest on the podcast to talk about it. The original excavator of the early Bronze Age burial the book is inspired by, Andrew Fitzpatrick, also talks about the background evidence for the book.
- Buy Jane's book here
- Jane Brayne's website for Archer Journey to Stonehenge
- Jane's blog
- Andrew Fitzpatrick's profile page on Leicester University's website
- Link to Andrew's report on the Amesbury Archer
- Wessex Archaeology pages about the Amesbury Archer
- Page about the Amesbury Archer at Salisbury Museum, where he is on display
- Kim Biddulph @kimbiddulph @schprehistory
- Jane Brayne @SmallBoatBooks
- Andrew Fitzpatrick af215@le.ac.uk