History of Badass Women in Archaeology Pt II - WIA 46
On this episode, the hosts return to one of their favorite topics - the amazing women who have helped make archaeology the field it is. We'll talk about some of our personal heroes, women who definitely don't get enough credit, and how archaeological drawing is super hard and becoming somewhat of a lost art.
- https://www.penn.museum/blog/museum/marvelous-monday-archaeologist-of-the-week-tatiana-proskouriakoff/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_O._Shepard
- https://trowelblazers.com/women-of-the-palestinian-exploration-fund/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathleen_Kenyon
- https://www.trc-leiden.nl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=286&lang=en
- https://trowelblazers.com/louise-baker/
- Women in Archaeology on Twitter (@womenarchys)
- Chelsi Slotten on Twitter (@osteoarchaeo)
- Emily Long on Twitter (@trowel_tales)
- Kirsten Lopez on Twitter (@archyfem)
- Alex Fitzpatrick on Twitter (@ArchaeologyFitz)
- Show email: womeninarchaeology@gmail.com