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crm archaeology

Hotels on the Weekend and Fire Season - CRMArch 143

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Sonia and Chris start the episode by discussing something we saw on Facebook - which is something no one should do! Anyway, should archaeologists get per diem on the weekends on long term projects? We have our opinions. We spend the rest of the episode talking about the rough fire season in the western U.S. and how to deal with smoke and fire's effects on archaeology.


Hotels on the Weekend and Fire Season - CRMArch 143
APN - The CRMArch Crew

Crafting Company Policy for the Employee - CRMArch 139

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We started today's show talking about drive time again but with a couple different hosts - Sonia and Doug. But, it's really a discussion about employee welfare and how to craft company policy so that it doesn't damage that. Is it possible? Should companies do it? There are some differing opinions and we're interested in yours.


Crafting Company Policy for the Employee - CRMArch 139
APN - The CRMArch Team

Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Chris W @Archeowebby,@DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet


Roll The Dice on Archaeology - CRMArch 134

Archaeology Careers and Jobs
Roll The Dice on Archaeology - CRMArch 134
APN - The CRMArch Team

Stephen Wagner guest hosts this week's show and is joined by Doug Rocks-Macqueen and special guest Bill Auchter. Bill rolls the dice on a DnD-style random encounters table that Stephen has matched to topics in archaeology. They roll the dice for each new topic and come up with a great show. Here's what's discussed:

 - Dragon's Hoard: Curation
 - Sunset: The end of the road for projects and documents
 - Sequestered Monks: Published Materials
 - Geomancer: Spatial Data
 - The Gorgon: Permanence and your archaeological career

Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Chris W @Archeowebby,@DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet


The Dirt on Field Schools and Finding a Job - CRMarch 131

Archaeology Careers and Jobs

Spring is around the corner, which means the start of another field season. What advice can our panelist give about choosing a field school? What experience can a recent graduate bring to the table that will jumpstart their archaeology career? Listen and find out. For the seasoned field tech, the panel offers up ways to brush up your resume and freshen up your on-line presence for potential employers. 

Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Chris W @Archeowebby,@DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet


SHA2018 and Sustainable Preservation with the Society of Black Archaeologists - CRMarch 129

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The 2018 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology took place in New Orleans at the beginning of January. Bill White was there and he brings on two colleagues, Dr. Ayana Flewellen and Dr. Justin Dunnavant. They talk about their takeaways from the conference. Bill, Ayana, and Justin also talk about their work in St. Croix over the winter and about working in an area deeply affected by hurricanes and a lack of people to do preservation work. However, they mention that people on the island are working in their own communities to preserve their history.

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