
Are PhDs for CRM professionals worth it? - Ep 212

Is it necessary or beneficial to get a phD? A masters degree is often required to advance your career in CRM, but is it necessary to go all the way to a PhD? On this episode, the crew discusses PhD programs for CRM professionals; their shortcomings, as well as the beneficial skills that can be learned. Join Masters Heather and Stephen as they discuss this topic with Doctors Bill and Doug.


Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Bill A. @archaeothoughts; Chris W @Archeowebby, @DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet



The iPhone X, #metoo, and PhDs in CRM - Episode 123

The iPhone X is out. Is it right for you? Good for fieldwork? This brief review of the iPhone X and other technology should help you make that decision. We also talk about the #metoo issue from a male perspective. Hopefully we spoke intelligently and respectfully. That was the intent. Finally, should PhDs feel bad for choosing a career in CRM rather than academia? No! Own it and do it.


Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Chris W @Archeowebby,@DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet
