david bruce

0014 - HHC2016 - David M Bruce

“Hidden in plain view”

Visiting Research Fellow in Tourism at University of West of England (Formerly Principal Lecturer, Bristol Business School, UWE); Academic Adviser to European Walled Towns (EWT) formerly the Walled Towns Friendship Circle: researching – their history, tourism and sustainable development as well as the archives of the EWT itself . David also research’s 19th Century Tourism history associated with Baedeker, Murray and other Guide books. David has also worked on and led bids and projects funded by the European Commission and British Council. He has lectured in tourism at Bristol Polytechnic, now University of West of England, Bristol 1983 -2008, leading field study trips in England, Wales and across Europe. I have been external examiner for tourism at Staffordshire, Manchester Met, (Masters degrees) and Swansea Met (UG) Universities.
Before 1983, David was a Marketing Manager and Transport Planner with National Bus Company in Chester, Oxford and London. Studying History, Economics and Town Planning at St Andrews (MA) and Edinburgh (MPhil) Universities (thesis on ‘Pedestrian Priority Shopping Streets’ 1975) professionally qualified in Town Planning (MRTPI to 2012), Transport (MCILT) and Tourism (MTS).