
The Changing Landscape of Archaeological Survey - Ep 195

Though excavation is pretty much synonymous with archaeological fieldwork in the popular and professional imagination, the bulk of the work that we, as archaeologists, do is survey. In the decades that Chris and Paul have been doing archaeological survey we’ve seen great improvements in how they can be planned and carried out, in large part do to tech that’s more ubiquitous, robust, and cheaper than it was when we started. Today we discuss what we’ve already gained and what we hope the future brings.






Why archaeology will be the next harbor for technology - Ep 166

Paul and Chris talk about a Heritage Daily article that seems a bit starry-eyed about the role of archaeology in current and future technological innovations and use. The article linked below broadly discusses a number of technologies and we take a few of them and break them down.





Working Remotely During The Zombie Apocalypse - Ep 124

From video conferencing tools to the immediate and lasting effects on field archaeology, Paul and Chris talk about working during this unique time in history.


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The Future of Archaeology in a World That's Tidying Up - Ep 99

In the wake of Marie Kondo and her tidying-up mentality we started wondering about the archaeology of the future. Guest host Richie Cruz and host Chris Webster talk about the future in a tidied-up world. What will be left? How do we think about and interact with “things” as compared to our ancestors and ancient people around the world?


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Tech Grab Bag - Episode 81

We had a few topics to discuss that we've been putting off so we gathered them all here. A few of the things we talk about on this episode include AR in archaeology, APIs and data shuttles, and a few other things.

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