
Teaching a Computer to Classify Ceramics with Dr. Leszek Pawlowicz - Ep 155

We speak with Dr. Pawlowicz of Northern Arizona University about a recent paper he was involved in that used convolutional neural networks to classify ceramics in the American Southwest. There are a lot of applications to this technology and some people love it and some think it’s going to take the jobs of archaeologists.




Using AI to Identify Projectile Points - Episode 53

On today's episode we welcome back Chris Cameron of Field Technologies, Inc. to talk about his latest project - an app that will identify a projectile point from a photograph. This is pretty exciting work and could make some waves across the country as we start to analyze points across the continent rather than in our own small areas.


App of the Day


    • Text "Resist" to 50409 (standard SMS rates may apply)

  • SanDisk Connect Drive App


Adam Spring, Amiga, and Trajan's Forum - Episode 43

Adam Spring joins the show to talk about digital archaeology, 3D scanning, and the materiality of technology. Adam hosts the Remotely-Interested Podcast and authors the blog of the same name, and is a visiting lecturer in digital cultures at Duke University, by way of University of Plymouth's archaeology department in the UK. Bonus: we talk about Westworld and the ethical implications of immersive interpretations of the past, as well as effects of consumer trends on heritage and preservation work.