Carynx - Episode 18043
A large, bronze, S-shaped trumpet in use by Iron Age Celtic peoples, the Carynx was regularly used in battle to intimidate their enemies.
A large, bronze, S-shaped trumpet in use by Iron Age Celtic peoples, the Carynx was regularly used in battle to intimidate their enemies.
The Pazyryk culture is thought to have been a purely nomadic culture of the Iron Age since it is only identified through burials and associated artefacts. No settlements have been linked to it. These burials are found in the Altay Mountains in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Russia, and were placed in long barrows similar to the tomb mounds of the Scythian culture in modern-day Ukraine.
An Iron Age hill fort in Germany with thousands of burials - and now wine. Nice.
Tollund Man was discovered in May 1950. He is one of several so-called 'bog bodies' from Denmark and other places in Europe, deposited mainly in the Iron Age. He caused quite a stir, mainly because his head was so well preserved you can almost imagine he is merely asleep. He famously inspired the poet Seamus Heaney.