
Archaeological Sampling with Dr. Ted Banning - Ep 150

Anyone working in archaeology has used some form of sampling strategy during the course of their work, whether they knew it or not. Most professions do something like this. Are we doing it right? Too much? Too little? Dr. Ted Banning recently published a paper in American Antiquity discussing the current state of sampling in the field.



Contest Gifts - Ep 145

Did you get any tech gifts this holiday season? On this show Paul and Chris talk about tech gifts they received that are useful for archaeology. They also talk about a listener email from the Space Archaeology episode and announce contest winners from Episode 144.




Site Recording, it's Not Just Physical Objects - Episode 71

There are other things you can record on a site besides artifacts and features. There's other visual ways to record, including photogrammetry, 360 videos, and imagery for augmented and virtual reality. You can also record sounds, scents, and even taste. Not sure what that would do for you, but, it's certainly an option.


App of the Day


Lithodomos VR - Episode 45

The Chrises chat with Simon Young, founder and CEO of Lithodomos, a virtual reality company that specializes in preserving culturally significant spaces with archaeology and scientific precision in mind.


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