00:00.00 archpodnet Need to record a cut point for the end of segment 3 standby um all right? So thanks, everybody for listening for members head over to http://apodnet.comforward/membersand you can find your bonus content. We're adding the bonus content now for existing episodes. 00:00.20 Andrew Kinkella Yeah, yeah. 00:17.90 archpodnet To that episode's ad free downloads page. So go check that out. There was no need to separate it and put it in bonus content. It's just part of the ad free download page that you have access to as members if you're not a member go to http://arcpodnett.com/memberstoseehow you can become a member and get early access to shows and bonus segments like the one that we're going to record. And have after the show. Okay welcome members of the archeology g podcast network to the bonus segment for the Crm Arc Podcast episode 238 if you didn't hear the full episode head over to http://arcpodnet.comforward/crmarcheology. Podcast is that what it is cm arc podcast for green eight you know where it's at your members all right? So let's just we're going to continue talking here. We've got. There's so much stuff on health and safety I mean I work basically for a health and safety company. It's a never ending topic because people are always getting hurt. 00:58.52 Andrew Kinkella Um, for. 00:58.62 Heather Um. 01:08.19 Andrew Kinkella And. 01:15.59 archpodnet And and people are always you know, just screwing things up I just one real quick thing I got to mention I kept thinking about this throughout the whole episode I worked for this one company in Central South south central Florida so one time and that area can really have a turn in the weather really fast. 01:32.32 Heather Yeah, yeah. 01:34.27 archpodnet Right? It was over the summer and it can just the skies can just open up immediately and you don't need. You didn't even see it coming because you're just head down screening the whole time and you don't know what's happening and they always used to say if it starts to rain immediately pack up and get out because the sandy. Silty Sandy Roads would just turn into quicksand and you would just you just not be able to get the truck out but I'm like isn't that kind of too late in some of those areas like but it starts to rain. 01:55.78 Andrew Kinkella Yep. 02:01.14 Andrew Kinkella It's you know it just gets it gets worse and worse so Belize is exactly the same as Florida it's the same kind of landscape and it's that same sort of rain where it can be dry for days but when the rain comes everyone on the crew knows you run to the trucks. 02:05.81 archpodnet Yeah. Yeah, yeah, get out. 02:16.20 Andrew Kinkella And then get in there and drive because every minute the roads get worse. Absolutely no, It's a it's a day ender for sure like that. This is one of the times where nobody's like well maybe we can keep working. 02:19.65 Heather Ah, yeah. 02:19.91 archpodnet Um, and and it's likely bringing lightning with it Anyway, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 02:34.53 Andrew Kinkella You know it's like no, we're going to die. 02:35.32 Heather And I think it's a little sneaky I mean I mentioned it at the end of the of the last segment it's sneaky in California people just don't think that rain a small amount of rain can create such a hazard. But if you're in a certain environment. It absolutely can and so you have to you know people have to. 02:35.43 archpodnet Ah, yeah. 02:46.78 Andrew Kinkella M. 02:47.38 archpodnet Oh. 02:54.34 Andrew Kinkella Um, yeah. 02:54.41 Heather Really be conscious of that. 02:54.47 archpodnet Yeah, absolutely Heather I was wondering something I didn't get a chance to ask you in the regular show you were talking about your job hazard analysis which I had put together jj um modules basically in the safety software for companies all the time and every company kind of does jhs differently and. 03:10.53 Heather And. 03:13.86 archpodnet What I'm wondering is you have the job hazard analysis where the Hazards you know are analyzed. That's exactly what it is what is going to be happening over here. But do you guys? Do you guys discuss within those particular things or maybe is it in another resource or maybe it's not talked about at all I don't know um the. 03:18.15 Heather And. 03:31.80 archpodnet Ah, like fire and flooding like I mentioned are huge problems in California especially certain times of the year I mean you never know I mean it. It could be raining hard in one area and landslides could cut off your access I mean hell anytime anybody's working up 1 a 1 near what is it big sir or something like that how many times a year does that highway like have a landslide over the top of it. 03:32.39 Heather Ah. 03:51.55 archpodnet Um, it's just like totally inaccessible now you've got an 8 hour drive to get around. Go back the other way you know so I'm I'm just wondering is that kind of stuff addressed in your jjs or is it just like when it's necessary. 03:54.17 Heather Right? right. 03:54.91 Andrew Kinkella Um, yep. 04:00.29 Heather Yeah, um, no I think we have some things that are that are general the one one point you made in the earlier segment which was excellent is that the more or maybe it was Andrew the more that you add to these the more that you i. 04:13.15 archpodnet Just probably me. 04:18.89 Andrew Kinkella Um, nice. Yeah, it was Chris. 04:19.36 Heather Take credit for you have no idea what I'm saying. Ah um, it's the the more you put into these jjs the more they just check the boxes and don't read anything you know and so you have to be really careful. The 1 thing we have different. 04:19.70 archpodnet Ah, you said it was excellent. That's but heard. 04:31.94 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, yeah. 04:34.53 Andrew Kinkella Mm. 04:38.20 Heather I think ah, our company does really well is that we have the we have ah a text that we send out we have emails that are sent out. So if there is something like a flash flood in a certain area. The safety guys will send out to a particular group if that live in that area that are working in that area. Hey this is happening be careful or and so it's like a daily thing so it's almost like you know what you do at least you know like Santa Barbara County where I live. Um, they have these alerts right. 05:10.70 archpodnet He. 05:12.29 Heather Um, that come over your I know other people other areas in the country have that. But anyway so we do that as a company. So I think the more the different types of communication that you have the better if you're using the same thing all the time people get tired of it and just human. 05:26.19 archpodnet Yeah. 05:27.27 Andrew Kinkella No. 05:28.85 Heather You know behavior they're just not going to read it or watch it look at it very often. But if you have these different things that trigger something go oh wait a minute I didn't think of that you know so using different avenues of communication is is really good. Um, we have not only do we have our jhas but we are h a h. Aas's which are activity hazard analysis. Those are very specific just to the project. So um, or I'm sorry the Js Jhas are specific to the project. The a a's or the general check in check out their digital. Um, if somebody doesn't use digital then. 05:48.20 archpodnet Oh. 06:04.91 archpodnet Gotcha. 06:06.79 Heather Um, then we'll give them a paper but we do prefer we give you know everybody has access to to our online digital a proprietary digital format and so they had to check in and they have to check out every single time they do anything even if for a 1 hour survey they have to do it and we set it up so that anybody who's doing that is. 06:17.32 archpodnet Right. 06:26.17 Heather And it's titled for that specific job. So we have a guy that that's his forms. That's all he does his forms and we contact him hey Chris we've got this person this person this person doing this survey he set up an haaha just for that and then we had the Jhas or something that the. Crew supervisor or the pm actually creates or I have somebody create it and then we send those out along with all the logistical information in an email to to the to the people that are doing the work and so we have multiple so the ahas are general. 06:57.58 archpodnet In here. 07:04.81 Heather But are some specific and the Jhas are very specific to that project. Um, so it has the occupational clinic. It has a hospital local hospital has all that information so they know you know what to do in in in case of an emergency ah does that answer your question. 07:08.23 archpodnet Rep. 07:18.16 archpodnet Yeah, it does it does and that's it's really good actually and your point about the the Js and people just clicking through those I Often wonder that when I'm putting these together for this other company I work for because the kind of the clients that we have put those together. They have a lot of. 07:22.62 Heather Okay. 07:35.92 archpodnet Very specific tasks that are done all the time like ah you know a hot work area for welding or confined space or something like that and it's just ah, a formatted j that if somebody's working in a confined space. They have to check the boxes on the confined space Jj it doesn't change and I'm like man somebody who's doing that all the time. How are they. 07:50.40 Heather A candle. 07:55.47 archpodnet Ah, they're they are literally just checking the boxes. You know what I mean. 07:56.76 Heather Right? We we have I have asked the the guy who he's awesome that creates our forms for us I have him like. Put things in there that it if they don't read it or they don't open something up in the Ha it clicks by hey you didn't do this. You didn't look at this. You didn't answer this question and so that makes the people that are filling these out um have to pay more attention and so. 08:13.99 archpodnet Ah. Yeah, sure. 08:25.47 Heather It's ah it's extra work. But I think in the long run. It's worth it and so and we're always evolving. We're always changing that form because things don't work you know, ah on the user end or or they're doing exactly what you're saying they're just checking boxes not paying attention and yeah and the other thing is communicating to your crew. 08:32.55 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 08:44.45 Heather That safety is important to you as a manager as a cur supervisor and if you do that if you do that and I'm not like you know how many times you hear people do put these these forms together and then they like kind of roll their eyes. Oh we have to do it because safety makes those you know like if if it's not important to you. 08:45.18 archpodnet Right. 08:45.24 Andrew Kinkella Yeah, that's really great. 08:57.61 Andrew Kinkella Oh. 09:04.40 archpodnet Oh I've yeah I've seen Crew Chiefs do that on tailgate safety meetings where they're like come on guys. We have to do the tailgate safety meeting or you know I get in trouble like that's no, that's not the attitude. Actually so yeah and I don't understand why people have such a big deal. Ah you know a big. 09:04.23 Andrew Kinkella Um, and right. 09:04.28 Heather There is not going to be important to them unless they're really focused on it. Yeah yeah, yeah. 09:13.79 Andrew Kinkella Um, yeah, right. 09:23.46 archpodnet Craziness about it like you're paid by the hour. Um, and if you're not, you're paid your salary like who cares if this is taking a minute. 09:23.70 Heather Yeah, and you're not what you're not like you're not hiking like you're standing there like enjoy enjoy the time where you don't have to do anything. It's really crazy. 09:23.98 Andrew Kinkella Um, great I Know yeah, you're not sweat and hot. You're just chilling. Yeah, learn how to save yourself. Yeah. 09:31.77 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, well and some things some things that I've done in the past too there there have been projects where ah you know like a couple of those Nevada projects where we have to fuel the trucks up. 09:48.14 Andrew Kinkella Are now. 09:48.84 archpodnet Almost every day if not every other day and just just so we can make sure from a safety standpoint The trucks got enough gas in it because it could take half a tank to get out into the field and back and if something happens when you're out in the field. You know you're already down a quarter and it's like okay so you know we got to make sure. You know we fill these up every day and we start with a good Baseline So in some of those cases we're hitting up a gas station and anytime you hit up a gas station with 3 or 4 vehicles. Everybody goes inside and they all buy something and you know they're getting lunch. They're getting snacks. They're getting whatever they're doing if it becomes a standard. Well I'll just take that Opportunity. We'll park the trucks off on the side when we're done fueling up and we'll do our health and safety meeting right? there you know they're already standing there eating a snack they're they're relatively content because they're not working and it's just like it's just like let's let's do this now and and and. 10:29.38 Heather Um, right? ah. 10:31.79 Andrew Kinkella Um, yeah, yeah. 10:38.64 archpodnet You know, think about our day smartly and we're already here. Let's just do it now while you're you're happy and fed. So you know. 10:40.43 Andrew Kinkella Right? right. 10:42.91 Heather I think the end of the day is really important I think a lot of times people don't think about those end of day meetings they're they're important. Yeah because they they do inform your next day. Especially if you have a next day so you know looking at what could have done what could have gone better. 10:49.65 archpodnet Yeah, they just want to be done. 10:51.40 Andrew Kinkella Me. 10:55.18 archpodnet Yeah. 11:02.31 Heather And um and then also that I've seen there's a company that we work with and they um so make everybody make a point and so then it's like there's no choice there which I think is is great because then. 11:15.38 archpodnet Well, that's yeah, no, that's 1 thing we're specifically doing on this this project this phase around coming up this summer is 11:20.50 Heather Yeah, yeah, look. 11:26.96 archpodnet You know I've got my field crew but there's 2 other field crews from 2 other companies. But we're kind of responsible for them because of the arrangement that we have out here. So. There's basically three field crews and we are specifically making a point of everybody coming in 15 minutes to 20 minutes before the end of the day that becomes your new arrive at the. At the meeting point at the end of the day start the thing whether it's a campsite or wherever we're going to be um so we can do a debrief Basically you know what happened what was going on. It could be safety related. Um, it's giving people a chance to upload their data at the end of the day because we're all using devices and you know it's all on wild note and ah, but it gives them. 11:46.63 Heather Point right? They can. 11:46.68 Andrew Kinkella Um, again. 12:06.20 archpodnet That time where they know that they're not being asked to stay late and sometimes that's just not made up for um and it's just you know they don't have that excuse so we're like fine come back Fifteen twenty minutes early let's do this daily debrief and and call it good. You know what? I mean. So. 12:16.69 Andrew Kinkella Um, right right? You know and right totally you know another thing I I note sometimes is how important it is to know the time. 12:23.73 archpodnet In the end you don't lose that much. 12:30.90 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 12:31.81 Andrew Kinkella So like if you're out on survey or whatever wear a watch and this is another thing that I notice young people. They just go like oh the time's on my phone. It's like as soon as your phone runs out of batteries. You don't know what time it is and so it's like buy a $15 cassio watch you know like the battery last years you don't have to charge it leave it in your. 12:37.87 archpodnet Yeah, um. 12:51.69 Andrew Kinkella Backpack because like out on survey or something that you need to have that hard turnaround time where it's like guys we turn around it to no matter what? yeah and that's super important to have that time you know aspect. 12:58.82 archpodnet Um, yeah, well and and while we're talking about that god I have worked for so many assholes that were just like you know they would ask the crew. You know you started work at seven o'clock you you short drive out in the field. Maybe. Youre surveying hard. It's 9 thirty ten o'clock break is usually like 15 minute break at Nine thirty whatever it is and they're like hey does everybody does anybody need a break. It's like don't fucking say that you because who's going to say yeah I need a break. You know who's going to be that person right. 13:20.49 Andrew Kinkella Um, yeah. 13:25.00 Heather Yes, thank you, Thank you? Yeah right. 13:25.47 Andrew Kinkella Yeah, ah, yes, yes, ah yeah I know yeah guest. Yes. 13:35.64 archpodnet And it's just like you take the break you are in charge you owe these people a break whether they need it or not whether you need it or not so take the break you know? and ah yeah, yeah, exactly. 13:37.95 Heather Brain open. 13:43.91 Andrew Kinkella Ah god that's a great point. Ah yes, yeah, or or lunches did or if lunch is 30 minutes long they jump up after 22 minutes and are like are you ready to go. It's like. 13:44.14 Heather Um, and same thing with lunches the same the same thing with lunches people like come on. Let's go just let's just work anybody want to work through lunch so we can get out of here early. 13:52.28 archpodnet Yeah, no. 13:57.75 Heather You know, right. 14:01.70 Andrew Kinkella Ah, no, not yeah. 14:02.14 archpodnet Yeah, yeah, exactly exactly I had kind of ah a dream project in Miami 1 time there was a bagel shop across this street from us we were in downtown Miami and I'd swear to god the field director was just this like super laid back guy and our like nine o'clock break in the morning was. 14:11.42 Andrew Kinkella Ah, right. 14:20.73 archpodnet Easily 45 minutes sometime and nobody nobody would stand up from their tables until he got up and everybody was just looking up. Um, he would do that like every day. 14:24.12 Andrew Kinkella Is ah ah. 14:24.58 Heather Just waiting. Ah yeah, you know I really think I like I'm not hard on on breaks either I Really I'm not and I think that um I think you get more out of the day. Yeah. 14:30.86 Andrew Kinkella Ah, right. 14:41.60 archpodnet Um, yeah I think so. 14:42.26 Andrew Kinkella Guest. 14:44.31 Heather I I Really do I think people pop up. Um, especially you know when you let's see you. You know? did you get something for everybody every every now and that I mean people work harder that way when they feel appreciated and they feel you know, even if they're not doing it on purpose they have this. Joy of working. Um, they'd feel appreciated and they work harder and just yeah, yeah. 15:06.44 Andrew Kinkella Um, yeah. 15:06.67 archpodnet Well, even that especially that last break of the day when you're it's hot. You're you're getting tired and you're like you know I really want to ah really want to push up this hill because I know we're going to have a break soon and I know we're going to have it at the top of this hill right here you know and it's just like. 15:16.91 Heather So yeah, so. 15:17.71 Andrew Kinkella Um, right. 15:23.56 archpodnet You know I'm going I'm going to push and I'm going to get to the top of it if you don't know if you're going to have a break whether it's a little wishywashy and sometimes you have a break and sometimes you don't and maybe it's too close to the end of the day because you got an hour drive back and you're going to skip the break and you don't know it because your crew chief isn't communicating. It's just a little bit demoralizing. You know what? I mean. So yeah. 15:38.12 Andrew Kinkella Um, yeah. 15:38.13 Heather Yes, yes yeah I did I did want to just touch real quick because I know we're talking primarily about these areas that don't have any civilization and I think some of the the unsafe areas that people don't think about is. 15:42.73 archpodnet But. 15:49.40 archpodnet Yeah. 15:56.70 Heather In the urban environment and I'm not talking about like going to eastla and doing a survey I'm talking like we have a lot right now we have a lot of warehouse projects. Those are really popular right now in California and they're in areas that have a hodgepodge of residential industrial. And you just never know what you're going to come across and we have the project managers that reach out to the client and they're like hey do we have any access issues. Do you have any dogs you have any this do you have that and they're always like oh yeah, no, everything's fine. You don't need us out there. You're good and then every time every time there's a lockgate. 16:27.89 Andrew Kinkella Um, who. 16:33.26 Andrew Kinkella Are. 16:34.17 Heather There's a dog barking like crazy at our text and it never if you have a dog you don't know do not go into a locked area with the dog. The dog's in the yard usually for a reason especially in those areas and that is for safety and the dog doesn't know that you're there for a survey rather than robbing. 16:43.29 Andrew Kinkella Um, yeah. 16:53.77 Heather You're You're not supposed to be there. That's all they know and so you know we have we put in our proposals I started putting in the proposals a assumption that if we can't do the survey because of a lock gate or unsafe condition like dogs and animals or whatever. Um, we're. 17:11.96 Andrew Kinkella Right. 17:12.50 Heather Going to charge you for another visit period and you have to put that in your proposal or it's going to be hard to to do that. Ah otherwise and and have the client pay for it. But and then that gives them that kind of has more of an impetus for them to actually really check. But I can't tell you how many times. 17:12.40 archpodnet Yeah. 17:30.69 Heather They're just about like moving on to the next project and they don't think about those things they were out there. Well they were out there. They had the realtor and everybody else out there with them of course the access was good for them and so you know again, preparedness making sure from the Pm level. 17:32.32 Andrew Kinkella London. 17:34.89 archpodnet Or. 17:48.95 Heather That you're really truly making sure that the client's not just checking the box and saying yes, it's safe but that it truly is safe and you have to walk them down that path because otherwise they're not, They're just not going to. They're not going to do it. They don't think about it. It's not important to them. Another thing is anything on near railroad anything. 18:02.64 archpodnet Right. 18:08.83 Heather With easements where you have homeless. Unfortunately you know it's just it. You never know what you're going to run into and that's why I think even on a 1 hour one acre survey you need to have 2 people out there. Yeah. 18:16.43 archpodnet Yeah, yeah. 18:20.98 Andrew Kinkella Ah. 18:21.36 archpodnet For sure for sure. Okay, well I think that's been a great bonus segment for our listeners and it sounds like this is a topic that we could ah revisit again probably relatively Soon. There's all kinds of stuff to talk about. It would be nice to actually get some. Ah, some other company owners on or maybe even you know, hire up people responsible for planning projects to talk about various health and safety plans I'm curious to see what some anomalies out there might be some stuff people have to deal with that. Maybe others haven't thought about or maybe some unique situations and and maybe we can. Help each other out and put some of that stuff together. Also I did realize that this also comes out on ah may fourth so may the fourth be with you everybody? ah all right? Thanks guys for the Bonnet segment. 19:04.75 Heather Um, ah nerd. That's a good thing. Ah. 19:05.24 Andrew Kinkella Ah, but yeah. 19:13.68 Andrew Kinkella Her. 19:16.99 archpodnet All right? Yep, thanks for the bonus segment and again. Thank you members for being members and listen to the I know you don't listen to the ad freeze and I need to put something out on the slack team. So I'll do that. But if you're listening to ad freeze. You're not hearing our ads but we've got a contest running to win a free. Screen from Aeo's screen anything on their website they will ship it straight to you? Um, but you have to either. Ah, you already get an entry for being a member but you'll get another one for referring another member and you'll get ones like everybody else does for ah mentioning us on your socials so tag arcpodnet on your socials for whatever you want to do. 19:35.16 Heather Spring. Oh. 19:54.38 archpodnet And we'll put another entry in there. We're going to pull it at the end of may and ah, you'll be able to contact Aeo screen and order anything you want so there you go thanks for being a member and thanks you guys for sticking around for a fourth segment and we will see you guys next time. 20:01.14 Heather Very cool.