00:01.48 Cpt Granarius And we're back for the third and final segment of the final episode of arche animals episode 65 um, a previous segment was a interrupted mid applause of but. Of the requiring characters that have ah hopefully entertained you over the past five years um so we ready said thank you to Generalo sipophilus granaius but I think we've thanked them enough. So I think we should talk about knickers instead. 00:34.00 Alex Yes, nickcker is the steer who I didn't realize was such a early reference back in episode 6 00:41.76 Cpt Granarius And and even then like when we recorded episode 6 and nix the stare was already old news. 00:48.77 Alex I know so yeah, nicker's the steer a two thousand eight hundred pounds six foot four inches tall Holstein Frisian dairy steer in Australia who became a meme. And weirdly enough was not large enough to beat the world record holder a Ballino the cow from italy who is six foot 6 another win for simmona. 01:19.13 Cpt Granarius Because ah surprise I am that cow from it. 01:22.54 Alex So what I was going to say okay go off I guess. 01:30.75 archpodnet You've all learned the secret the terrible secrets of our your animals. 01:32.39 Cpt Granarius I. 01:35.39 Alex That's why she's so good at this. Ah. 01:39.30 Cpt Granarius I'm actually the leaderer the cow masquerading as a person. 01:43.40 archpodnet There's been a bovine so conspiracy this whole time. 01:45.52 Alex I Thought you were really tall when I met your own person. 01:49.81 archpodnet I would have thought the mooing in the like the frisian kind of like outfit would have given away someone or a Alex. 01:50.75 Cpt Granarius Chef. Yeah. 01:58.36 Cpt Granarius Think it just yeah that the listeners get really confused because actually like you you think like it's There's a recording of me talking but all the listeners can hear is just me like mowing. 02:09.25 archpodnet Yeah, Alex and I are just having a shared kind of experience of like it being translated. You know exactly let's move on. 02:15.60 Alex You got like the babel fish in her ear. The the the cow one. 02:20.38 Cpt Granarius But let let's ah without further ado. Let's oh dear. Ah, but well I was gonna say if you have your binga cards handy Tristan makes a bad joke. It's on there yet I have at least 1 you know, ah or 6 02:25.95 Alex Boo boo. 02:28.13 archpodnet It's on the board. It's on the Bingo board. It's on the bingoport. 02:40.27 Cpt Granarius Um, but a final thank you? Ah is um well unlike the other two someone would it did actually exist but no no Nias didn't exist well above um, a last Thank you is to the great. 02:47.83 Alex Are. 02:58.60 Cpt Granarius Apply you the elder. 03:00.21 Alex We could not have done it without him. 03:05.88 Cpt Granarius No I wonder if if he knew back then when he wrote his ah natural history that thousands of years later he was going to inspire. So um. 03:13.92 Alex Whatever this is this nonsense where like we don't even have like 1 episode really to pinpoint. We's often referred to because like Simona said he wrote one of the earliest encyclopedias the natural history which was hugely influential even up until the medieval period. Ah, he was originally a Roman lawyer then a military commander and eventually died during the eruption of vesuvius in seventy nine ce he did a lot of writing and helps how we understand Roman knowledge at the time as imperfect as it was so thank youliny the elder now. We kind of cut through this final segment with some some of extra stuff from the last one but you know we should point out that the third segment is normally a dedicated segment to. Case studies and obviously we can't end our podcast without discussing. Everyone's favorite part of the show a claim that we have never in 5 years of podcasting actually provided evidence for but we have said constantly like we were gonna manifest. It. 04:21.73 Cpt Granarius Um, although Tristan said before we started recording that it is his favourite part. 04:24.76 Alex It too cares. 04:33.94 Cpt Granarius It's been very quiet about all this. 04:37.44 Alex He's crying. So yeah, case studies it's something we brought into the show structure justica give us a chance to talk about real research instead of whatever we've been talking about and like cite some actual work that's going on as and like I said we've. Just decided. It's everyone's favorite. So tough if you don't like it. Whatever who cares? I don't it's our last episode we do what we want. So yeah, here's some of our favorites and I believe Simona you you specifically wanted to talk about this um from episode 61 fog butter. 05:16.70 Cpt Granarius Um, or like the episode that descended very quickly or the case study at the center very quickly. Um the ah Bog ah will bogs as an environment occur. Um mainly in Ireland um. Ah, not yes, there is only box in Ireland I and the only place with bugs obviously. 05:42.56 archpodnet It's there's episode just like I still crack up we with they get but it shouldn't think it. It's not funny. It's not funny, but it is ah sorry yes. 05:54.19 Cpt Granarius I Used to are you still thinking about this queer worship or buck. But. 05:58.73 archpodnet No, it was the is the person. It's the reason why why their Bog butter even exists is it just somebody accidently just drop it and I remember the episode I described like a bar of soap but like it. Image somebody squeezing the butter and it's plopping out into the Mo and then just going off God's sake. Not another one like it. It just kills me every time I Just I think it will be the best. 06:24.75 Alex Um. 06:24.81 Cpt Granarius And. 06:31.92 archpodnet Like the funniest episode we have definitely oh God and the reason it's like in the same kind of bogs and same positions. They only get so far before they squeeze. Do. 06:36.20 Cpt Granarius Ah, and you see is the sender again. Just. 06:47.90 archpodnet There must be a better way of carrying these block I'm sorry okay I'm dum done. But yes, just so why do you tell people about bok butter before because I won't be able to. 07:05.19 Cpt Granarius Okay, um, evidence of bug butter has been mainly recovered in Ireland as the name suggests. It's normally franed for. It's a found in box. It's made largely of Cow's milk and um. 07:23.17 Cpt Granarius The butter would be why would be placed in the Bog to keep a coup keep a secret keep a safe or perhaps offer to the gods. 07:30.76 Alex Off Anyway, it doesn't matter let me eat it. Let me eat it folks I'm volunteering to eat the Bog butter. Yeah. 07:41.48 Cpt Granarius Yeah, let let a like. So um, yeah, let Alex eat the Thousand year old um boga butter. 07:48.32 Alex Who cares are we are we like okay have we composed ourselves to move forward. This is how yeah well I'm gonna like make everyone compose themselves by talking about. 07:58.98 Cpt Granarius And we ready to say goodbye to the book. But. 08:07.81 Alex The sad depressing story of the great a from episode 20 Um, we kind of talked about it in this episode. But again, they're for my Ph D So I have to keep mentioning you and I'm going to make everyone sad by talking about it because it's an extinct species and the way the last one died is that. Ah, bunch of sailors found one and then tied it up and then there was a bas stormm so they thought that the great ock was a witch. Um, so the sailors beat it to death R I P got great. A Thank you. 08:42.41 Cpt Granarius The way to bring the mood down on Bog butter. 08:45.54 Alex Well yeah, because the alternative is we're gonna be like in hysterics for the next twenty minutes someone needs to bring us down back to earth and I'm gonna do that with sailors beaten to deaf a bird. 09:03.77 Cpt Granarius Well let's let's sail away from this history of death and let's land on the shores of Sicily picture sicily pliistoine. No people beautiful for that. Um. 09:10.21 Alex ah ah 6 ah 09:21.10 Cpt Granarius Ah, this is something that we mentioned in episode 32 ah and it's actually an island. It's it's called the island effect and it's something that you see on a lot of islands. Not just sicily during the pleosing period where a lot of the mega fauna is actually quite small and a lot of the smaller fauna. It's. Abnormally large so in the priine period in Sicily you'd get elephants. Basically the size of a large dog and dom mice. So Leia species the size of cats and um, you do get that in other islands around the mediterranean sea so like in in fermenterra. All mice are still like up to 50% larger than the ones found in the mainland they couldn't um, it's a strange so dynamic that you get on islands because of course there's sort of less resources. So the megafauna tends to be a little bit smaller but the same time due to the absence of predators. The smaller fauna are a lot bigger. 10:24.80 Alex Big big mice, big mice, big old mice. Well if we're still in the Island mood we'll we'll stick with that fishiness and talk about. 10:26.80 Cpt Granarius Wait. 10:40.25 Alex Garam Although I'm sure it sounds nicer when Simmona says it. Thank you I can't roll my arms. This was always a problem when I took Latin a real struggle. 10:43.10 Cpt Granarius Ah, gotum. 10:53.94 Cpt Granarius Um, they I think like well after the but butter yeah was still like meandering in things of a yeah yeah of a taste. Um. 10:54.33 Alex So this is. 11:06.60 Alex Food food things. 11:11.43 Cpt Granarius Gaum is ah is specifically a roman fish sauce. So again, if you've got the bingo cards romans there you go probably got 5 of those already so far. But it's a fish source made up from macerating small fish over a span of months a few times over. 11:28.89 Cpt Granarius And actually in a fish episode. We had a case study um of a site you know wolf site. Um basically 23 and for it of garum were found in a garam shop in Pompei. Um, don't want to know the smell if they open but broke any of those. Ah, that it turns out they've been made from speeches such as anchovies Mackerel Pickerels herrings and tuna ah and this was actually quite interesting from a scientific point of view because the age at death and seasonality helped confirm Pompei's state of eruption. 12:01.74 Alex You can find out more I believe in episode 12 now this next one may send simona back into Starks um camels in disguise episode 58 um so in the ninth century bc. King ah strotes of India had elephants that were not defeated by Assyria's Queen Sarahamis and her pack of camels which were of course dressed as elephants by using dyed or dark ox hides to make the costume. Although the real elephants were confused by the the camel smell of course from the fake elephants. They still trampled them to death. 12:46.94 Cpt Granarius Papa is here. 12:50.79 archpodnet What was that the noise of a camel or is that the noise of an elephant. 12:55.89 Alex Or is it a camel dressed as an elephant. 12:58.39 Cpt Granarius Um, bingo ah what? Um, but I mean it is they were like ah a step up from a King Darius of Persia's use of camels on fire. Ah. 12:59.78 archpodnet Being trampled. 13:15.74 Cpt Granarius Ah, mean the camels were carrying bundles of fire. Unlike the maggarians of Greece who literally lit their pigs on fire to fight elephants because. 13:22.20 Alex People really did the most to fight elephants. 13:26.64 archpodnet They yeah their enemy's bacon was cooked by that point. 13:34.51 Alex Ah, anyway next case study. No the people are just go set their Bingo cards on fire. So our next one real real easy real quick. 13:34.75 archpodnet I I just wanted to be I just wanted to be a completely blacked out Square by the end of the show. 13:51.90 Alex Let's just mention buffo buffo. It's a common toad from episode 53 the name is buofo buffo I don't know what else you need to know buffo buffo next case. Yes, next case study. 13:59.25 Cpt Granarius Bu for bufo. 14:10.97 Alex Um, we did a whole minis seriesies. We did a couple minieries but we did one of our mini-series was our war world miniseries where we tackled every single continent and did the zooareology of love and yes, that even includes Antarctica which we actually did a whole episode on episode 50 and in one 33 as part of a publicity stunt. Three guernsey cows and with great names like klondike gay nira dearfoot guernsey maid and foremost southern girl. Yeah I mean that one's amazing and as well as a bull calf born on the way named iceberg. 14:38.70 Cpt Granarius And our favorite. 14:47.21 Alex We're all sent to work in a dairy in Antarctica for a year and big dairy strikes again for most southern girl I'm gonna name my next cat that it's just like a way that they have them 3 names. 14:59.61 Cpt Granarius Photographs. 15:03.56 Cpt Granarius Why shouldn't it have 3 names. 15:05.23 Alex Yeah, yeah, you yeah you you know what you got me there but then the baby is just named iceberg. 15:10.92 Cpt Granarius I Think they just ran out of ideas by that point they'd been traveling for a few months on a boat to the just um, the icebook. 15:21.15 Alex So the the final case only I'd like to bring up ah because I I remembered it? um I remember Simona being slightly tickled about this. It's water foul collections from episode 45 15:34.95 Cpt Granarius Swear back a kick and Tris and try that in a posh accent. 15:40.22 Alex I'm not water foul collection. 15:42.40 archpodnet What is it again? Ah what? oh yes, I'm just perusing my waterfowul collection in my stately home here in the drawing-room where ironically. I Do not draw is that okay. 15:59.69 Alex Yeah, because you know I think if I did it I would get deported immediately. 16:04.29 archpodnet Is that? not you just being a Camel disguise if you did it own disguise in disguise. 16:07.66 Alex You call me a Camel you call me an elephant Anyway, yeah waterfall. 16:16.36 Cpt Granarius So I so after actually all along like I was a coward this guy said Alex was a camel at this. 16:27.56 archpodnet Um, you'll never know what animal I was eat on. That's not right. 16:29.82 Cpt Granarius Oh the donkey. 16:37.84 Cpt Granarius But yes, the waterowl collection. Um, apparently the the canadian geese but ipa andnnaensis were worth You have been gifted to royalty in the seventeenth century put a thunk that like everywhere now. Ah, but yes, you know they were worthy gifts to um to royals and nobles who had Waterfowl Collection Japanter was all the rage in the seventeenth century. Yep that that included ah King James the second of england king louis the eleventh of France and now canadian geese ah 16:57.45 Alex That as you do. 17:10.70 Cpt Granarius Everywhere in the U K and France. So yay. 17:11.37 Alex Thanks a lot guys. 17:15.67 Cpt Granarius There may be that ah inside water flowur collection or outside water 4 collection. 17:21.14 Alex Thanks anyway on that on that note Yeah, so here we are at the end end of our last show. So any final thought Simona not about Bog but butter just want to put that and. 17:37.43 Cpt Granarius Oh now lord. 17:40.53 Alex Not about Bog butter because we cannot. We cannot keep doing this. 17:42.87 Cpt Granarius No jokes aside now it's been fun I think I think we've done something good here I Do think we've been striking for the most part, a good balance between educational and entertaining. Okay with my have gone a little bit heavy on the entertaining mostly of ourselves. 18:00.40 Alex Yeah. 18:02.87 Cpt Granarius Ah, more on 1 more than one occasioned. But I think not I think I think I've done a good thing. It's been fun and I said like it's been a a good sort of middle ground for something that yes it is sort of an inherently academic subject but I do think that we've tried our best. To make in a way that is entertaining and accessible. So. It's not just something about zoo archeology for zoo archeologists or for archeologists which again they is also fine. But as far as I'm concerned. That's not what I wanted to do I want them to be able to um, create a show on content. That could interest anyone regardless or sort of like whichever walk of life. You've come from if you like animals ah like old things you might like arch you animals. 18:49.33 Alex I Mean if you like dead animals is a bit morbid I guess. 18:52.88 Cpt Granarius That that that but that that could ah yes to take a disturbing turn. 18:59.27 Alex But yeah I mean that's all I want to do this show originally because I just felt like people even in the field didn't really know what zoo archeology was or didn't really give it the kind of respect that it deserves. There's a lot of you know feelings of people being like oh I ah bones. That's just go. That's from this the you know. Soil heap just tossed it aside but that's like really important and we learned so much from it. So I'm glad that we had this platform to kind of talk about it and I think we've basically covered a lot in the five years you know I don't feel like you know we've missed out on so much I think we've covered a lot. Of you know, ritual domestication but it does in general I think we we we managed to touch upon a lot of different elements of Zoar archeology pun intended like sle I don't know whatever it does. 19:46.19 Cpt Granarius Yeah I think we we showcase a good range topics within zoo archaeology it. It definitely is a discipline that is ah not as glamorous as some of the other subdisciplines within archeology of course, what especially like. You know you let you think of Arch killed your lot people be interested interested so in the ceramics or the shiny things and all your like ah the the metal objects and but you know and here's us with ah oh look at thisibia. 20:12.83 Alex We're cool. That's all we want to do is prove that we're cool. But yeah, so even though it's the end of this podcast Don't forget the archive will still exist. You can listen to the backlog. You can listen to old episodes and use your bingo card see how. How? Well you do I'm sure you'll it'll you'll constantly get a black square because we just we just say the same 3 things over and over again for 65 episodes. Let's be real. Um, and yeah, but you know also there's the rest of the podcast network with great shows and. Maybe future great shows so stay tuned. Um, and I guess it's time to do some final thank yous! So ah, as much as I hate to say it. Thank you to Tristan who has kept this podcast to be listenable to most human beings. 21:02.64 Alex Maybe not through his jokes but through his productive skills production skills. That's why I meant not productive skills I know you. 21:10.39 archpodnet Yeah,, That's very true production production. Yeah,, that's the key. The key to it I think is sitting here and waiting for the perfect moment to interject with your own opinions rather than properly listening to the conversation that's going on and I think I've really. Worked on that skill and done it Very very wonderful. 21:31.32 Alex Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay shosh shush now. Ah thank you to Chris as well who helped us start this to begin with and the rest of the apn who have also always been really good supporters of the show. Ah, thank you to zoo archeologists and archeologists alike for which we needed all your actual research to kind of get the show to have things to talk about because it wasn't going to be us really me and Somona too busy playing video games to be honest, um I got some other thank yous that are really serious that I need to do right now. Thank you to the remaining staff members of biowa studios wherever whoever you are? Thank you to George Lucas partially the entirety of latin all animal bones except fish bones piny the elder medieval natural historians and artists and of course thank you to all of our listeners as well. Simona did I miss out any other thank yous. 22:07.37 Cpt Granarius Oh. 22:26.15 Alex Oh gosh I'm sorry thank you to Sandy. thank you to bast it thank you, to cerney thank you to but thank you to violet yes thank you thank you to Bruno any other pets that I want to thank. 22:26.99 Cpt Granarius Didn't thanks Andy. 22:34.92 Cpt Granarius That's better and violet and bruna. 22:44.40 Alex Thank you to all the korean cats I follow Instagram thank you the bonebone the persian house cat that I follow on Instagram anyone else any other animals we want to start? Thank you the knickers the the steer um and I want to pull up a list of famous. 22:52.59 Cpt Granarius Yes, they could obviously and and thank you and thank you to all the people who dropped big loafes of butter in box. 23:02.85 Alex Think thank you to Bog Butter thank you to the 1 guy in Prehistoric Ireland who just really was trying so hard bless him to carry that butter and just could not every single time god bless you to that man. Thank you to that man specifically what a way to end this podcast. Um, yes, yes. 23:24.42 archpodnet Well can I can I just interject one last time I would like to say thank you to you Alex and to you simuna for making this such a fantastic show to listen to you know because obviously I get to sit in the seat and listen to you guys talk. But I think. The success of this show has been because you guys put so much hard work and effort in and you just you work very well as a team and I really really really am going to miss it and I just want to say? Thank you for you know tolerating me and thank you. Obviously I'm technically also co-founder of the apn so also from the apn. Thank you so much for all that you've done over the last over five years and um, yeah I think this is definitely a testament to just the amazing work that you've done. So. Thank you. 24:21.65 Cpt Granarius Oh thank you. 24:23.43 Alex You know what it would been really cool if I had like actual Bog butter to eat on this last episode and then I just dropped dead like right when we hit off whenever you really cool. 24:27.22 archpodnet If they're my cards. 24:27.78 Cpt Granarius This said so. 24:36.62 archpodnet I um, don't want to make this episode in memorium please Alex stay stay away from. 24:38.60 Alex If anyone has access to Bog Butter I will record a bonus episode as a postscript and I will eat the Bog butter live on the podcast just saying just saying. It's my last my last requests as a podcaster. 24:41.52 Cpt Granarius So. 24:49.20 Cpt Granarius Headache. 24:53.30 archpodnet The guard. 24:56.70 Cpt Granarius To like bug butter eating Asr ah. 24:56.26 Alex Yes, yes oh my gosh. Do we have time to do one last last episode all right folks I think before I I go nuts we will end it here again. Thank you all so much. 25:03.73 Cpt Granarius Just. 25:11.97 Cpt Granarius Although actually we've said it for a few times ah over the last five years as a joke and now we get to say for real. So so this was ah the the last episode of art you animals. 25:26.81 archpodnet Ah, well done. 25:27.63 Alex Oh my gosh.